Here we note the interesting fact that the numerator in the exponent of Eq. (40.1) is the potential energy of an atom. Therefore we can also state this particular law as: the density at any point is proportional to e^{−\text{the potential energy of each atom}/kT}. That may be an...
Bohoŕ quez, H. J.; Boyd, R. J. Is the size of an atom determined by its ionization energy? Chem. Phys. Lett. 2009, 480, 127-131.Bohorquez HJ, Boyd RJ (2009) Is the size of an atom determined by its ionization energy? Chem Phys Lett 480:127–131...
Unhappily the "mode of combination" of atoms within a compound was no more an experimentally accessible molecular parameter in the first two decades of the nineteenth century than it had been in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, and this kind of explanation, like the earlier reductionism of...
be all the rage be along with be an statesman be analysisbreak-even be applied to be artlessly humble t be as careful of the be as good as be at a deadlock be at a loss for a wo be at home be at loggerheads be at ones best be at pains to do som be attacked by be available...
The charge of the electron can be determined by simply placing a known number of electrons on one electrode of a capacitor and measuring the voltage,Vs, across the capacitor. IfVsis measured in terms of the Josephson volt and the capacitor is measured in SI units then the fine-structure con...
The total mass of an atom is determined very nearly by the total number of protons and neutrons in its nucleus. This total is called the mass of the number, A. The number of neutrons in an atom, the neutron number, is given by the quantity A-Z. 原子核中质子的数目称为原子序数,或者...
14). To show that the skyrmions could exist in the ultrathin superlattices, an atomic model of PTO2/STO2 (The model size is 10 × 10 × 4 u.c.) was constructed and relaxed by using first-principles calculations. Figure 3e-g give the 3D polarization structure and the plan-...
Atoms are characterized by their vast amount of unoccupied space, which is a seemingly bizarre observation about something already so minuscule. The atomic radius is normally defined as the distance from the center of the nucleus to the outermostelectron orbital. In this sense, an atom can be re...
In other words, a positive or negative electric charge of a particle is determined by the spirally-spinning angles of any two particles moving in a definable referential magnetic field. Here, the referential magnetic field that determines the spirally-spinning angles and the moving momenta of the...
For most living beings, oxygen is an essential molecule for survival, being the basis of biological oxidations, which satisfy most of the energy needs of aerobic organisms. Oxygen can also behave as a toxic agent posing a threat to the existence of livin