The Bible is almost wholly negative toward the State, and the State is praised for things done completely out of character or accidentally. Here's the challenge: Read through every verse in the Bible from beginning to end and ask yourself, "Is this where God commanded human beings to form ...
(2) According to such a setting, we can predict that the general tone of the tales will be light, sprightly( 活泼、愉快的)and humorous. In your own words, summarize the character of the Knight from the brief introduction in this excerpt. Key: According to the excerpt, we can see that...
上帝的工 [The Works of God] 书卷:使徒行传(新约) 作者:路加 使徒行传13章36节:“大卫在世的时候遵行了上帝的旨意,就睡了,归到他祖宗那里,已见朽坏;” 今日默想:任何人无论他是怎样的符合并遵行上帝的旨意,也不过只能服事他那一世的人就要睡了,他不能服事两个世代的人。任何一个主的工人,不要企图建立...
In the Name of the LORD our God forever and ever. "Character" is sometimes defined as "What you do when nobody is watching." It can also be defined as "What you do when you are being watched by people who oppose your values." Like your boss who might fire you if you come out ...
上帝所赐的军装(三) [The Whole Armour of God (3)] 书卷:以弗所书(新约) 作者:保罗 以弗所书6章16节:“此外又拿着信德当作藤牌,可以灭尽那恶者一切的火箭。” 今日默想:信心的军装是在真理、公义、平安三样之后。信徒须先靠着真理的上帝而活,才会有真理的公义;公义带来平安;然后就有坚固的信心。
character is that of unsuspicious maidens in the full bloom of life, and they usually embrace one another. Their attributes differ according to the divinities upon whom they attend; as the companions of Apollo they often carry musical instruments, and as the companions of Aphrodite they carry ...
The longest recorded sermon Jesus ever taught, the Sermon on the Mount described in Matthew 5-7 and paralleled more succinctly in Luke 6:17-49, presents the clearest description of the character of God. “Without combating their ideas of the kingdom of God, He told them the conditions of ...
A further feature in the character of the Muses is their prophetic power, which belongs to them, partly because they were regarded as inspiring nymphs, and partly because of their connection with the prophetic god of Delphi. Hence, they instructed, for example, Aristaeus in the art of ...
『约翰福音3章16节:“ 上帝爱世人,甚至将他的独生子赐给他们,叫一切信他的,不至灭亡,反得永生。”』 John 3:16 :“For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.”
This text is cited extensively by Mkhas grub as well as in the writings of his teacher Tsongkhapa. It is perhaps best known for the 40 verses that expound upon the first 40 syllables of the Guhyasamāja Tantra. These verses are cited in both Candrakīrti’s Pradīpoddyotana and in part ...