2) Provide free access to Bible study tools in many languages. 3) Promote the Gospel of Christ through the learning, study and application of God's word. This site is a great way to link any verse on your site to an instant menu of 25 versions!
Christian apologetics website looking at sound Bible Doctrine and understanding what the Bible teaches, and not what men say the Bible teaches. Listening to the teachings and doctrine of men opened the door to false doctrine, false teaching & false tea
Apply:How can the Adventist understanding of the judgment and the sanctuary doctrine shed light on the problem of evil? Is it helpful to you to know that, while we have many questions now, the details of history and God’s righteous judgments will be revealed in the end?
Apply:How can the Adventist understanding of the judgment and the sanctuary doctrine shed light on the problem of evil? Is it helpful to you to know that, while we have many questions now, the details of history and God’s righteous judgments will be revealed in the end?
In worship there is emphasis on simplicity and revivalistic evangelism. In doctrine the church stands in the tradition of Arminian Methodism, emphasizing God’s grace, and regards its unique mission to be the promotion of entire sanctification, which enables a person to live a sinless life, ...
In addition to challenges in New Scientist and Physics Essays, a winner of the Nobel Prize for discovering the cosmic microwave background radiation himself disclaimed the accolade that the big bang theory predicted the 2.73 degree Kelvin CMB. In his lecture given on the very occasion of sharing...
There Are 7 In Your King James Bible starting In Genesis and going all the way clear through to Revelation, we’re looking for the Pretribulation Rapture... Bible Doctrine2 years ago The Amazing Way That The Letter ‘X’ Is Used In Your King James Bible As It Relates To The Antichrist...
a complete handbook for bible doctrines with in-built scripture references Bible doctrines are the pillars on which the Christian faith is built. Deep and clear knowledge of the doctrines of the scripture strengthens the faith and mind of the believer against false and permissive teachings flying al...
peripheral—doctrine. Pointing to CSBI as the standard for describing what inerrancy is and is not, it proceeds to explain that the historical view of inerrancy is under attack right now. It gives a focus on the new wave of challenges to CSBI that arguably began in 2010 with various ...
Livingstone-The NWO's Satanic Bible --- First Comment Mike Yeadon, a prominent anti vaxxer wrote this to me. "I am finding though that almost no one will take this journey with me. I think I know why. It's unavoidably dark. When any attempt to discern a "why would they do this?