Chain of Command; the Military: Musharraf Dodged a Bullet, but Could Be Heading for a Showdown with His ArmyByline: Ron Moreau and Zahid Hussain Only last week president Pervez Musharraf and the...Moreau, RonHussain, ZahidNewsweek International...
The military exemplifies high-performing teams that, when empowered, tend to do extremely well in decentralized models. Such emancipation doesn’t replace the strict military chain of command, but occurs within it, because good commanders know how to empower. ...
a chain; a sequence of things or sounds dependent on each other. See alsocatena,chain. Examples:concatenation of bungles and contradictions, 1880; of causes and effects, 1753; of explosions; of felicity, 1622; of ideas, 1867; of orgiasts; of straight lines, 1845. ...
Inthesummerof1980,theNationalSecurityAdvisor,Brzezinski, 布热津斯基 whoworkedforPresidentCarter, 半夜在家里接到一通电hearts;话hearts; gotthiscallathomeinthemiddleofthenight. 是布热津斯基的军事助理比尔·奥多姆上校打来的 ItwasBrzezinskismilitaryassistant,ColonelBillOdom, ...
Democratic and Republican members of Congress announced the introduction in the House of Representatives of legislation to shift prosecution of such cases from the chain of command and make it the responsibility of trained military prosecutors. Their bill is named for ...
Americans with a strong sense of a patriotism, a desire for adventure and an interest in foreign policy often seek public-facing jobs within the U.S. military or the U.S. State Department, where it is possible to win fame and glory. ...
PRESIDENT BUSH: My fellow citizens, at this hour, American and coalition forces are in the early stages of military operations to disarm Iraq, to free ... its people and to defend the world from grave danger. NEWS REPORT: It's been 21 months since President Bush launched the invasion of...
The instruction notes that risks occur not just in IT, but also in global sourcing and distribution, cyberspace, military, intelligence, and business operations. It also notes that risk management needs to be addressed early as possible in acquisition of information...
SecDef, the Epirian Security and Defence force, are the elite amongst the varied Foundation military. The men and women of SecDef are better trained, better armed and better equipped than the Contractors that make up the majority of Epirian defences on frontier worlds. SecDef take only the ver...
MILITARY AND SECURITY DEVELOPMENTS INVOLVING THE PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA AYYUAL ft£P0ftT TO COflOftESS The estimated cost of this report or study for the Department of Defense is approximately $1ï8,000 in Fiscal Years 2021 - 2022. This includes $11,000 in expenses and $166,000 in...