In the most successful worker cooperative in the world, the Mandragon Cooperative Corporation in the Basque region of northern Spain, the CEO can only make 8.5 times the pay of the lowest paid worker. Typical capitalist enterprises by contrast, in addition to their hierarchical nature, are autocr...
For now, the process of installing the Epic Games Store on iOS and Android is lengthy due to Apple and Google introducing intentionally poor-quality install experiences laden by multiple steps, confusing device settings, and scare screens. We are continuing to fight in courts and work with regula...
Obsidian CEO reveals it's just half the size of many triple-A studios, even as it prepares to launch its 4th game in 5 years 23 year-old Dungeons & Dragons RPG Neverwinter Nights just got a new, official expansion that continues its original story in a 'love letter' to the game and ...
Tim Sweeney, CEO & Founder, Epic Games said:“The LEGO Group has captivated the imagination of children and adults through creative play for nearly a century, and we are excited to come together to build a space in the metaverse that’s fun, entertaining, and made fo...
Natasha Skult is the CEO & Creative Director of MiTale, a game development company from Finland focusing on narrative-driven experiences and gamification. She is an active member of the Finnish and international games industry as a Chair-Emeritus of Besides ind...
Gunzilla 的 CEO 兼联合创始人 Vlad Korolev “一直在说他想让《Elysium》成为本作的蓝本,”Blomkamp 说道。“他对那种,你知道的,那种阳光普照下的赛博朋克舞台有着别样的痴迷。” Blomkamp 表示他也喜欢这个概念,且事实证明,他也对打造一款电子游戏持同样的开放态度。这位编剧兼导演早年从事...
CEO: Warehouses for cargo and vehicles Owning an Executive Office lets you set up CEO operations and buy three kinds of warehouses: Cargo Warehouse Special Cargo Warehouse Vehicle Warehouse Generally speaking, the tasks tend to be similar: You need to source and collect your supplies by deliverin...
“unified” vision of the metaverse. The CEO said, “The games industry is the perfect place for an open system because there’s not one predominant company that can dictate terms.” Still, when asked if there are currently any obstacles standing in Epic’s way, Sweeney immediately said it...
Ji Ham puts a typical acting CEO spin on things, saying everything will be better in 2025. But it feels like a Daybreak shakeup might be imminent, that we’ll be back to the old days of slash and burn to keep the numbers good. ...
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