Don't be put off by its title - Rascal Does Not Dream of Bunny Girl Senpai is a great show for the right audience. Mai Sakurajima is a youth actress who is in her third-year of high school. She's had to pause her career in the spotlight for undisclosed reasons, but one day, fell...
Little Rock Chapter event focuses on school youth and the importance of mentoringSherwood EONS News
“Little Red Corvette” didn’t sound like anything Prince had recorded prior to “1999,” and bore little aural resemblance to the work of his major influences like James Brown and Sly & the Family Stone. It was a conjuring act of culture-shifting importance. There was only one person ...
Youcanfindhostelsandlocalhomestaysforless than$10.Mealscost$4—$8perday. Romania,$33/day IfyouareplanningaEuropeantripthat?saffordableandalittlebitoffthebeatenpath,Romaniais perfect for you.Unlike other popular places,manycharmingtowns hereremain unknowntomostforeigners.Youcanalsotakefree walkingtoursin...
The Piano Lessoncenters on a prized family heirloom that’s tearing two siblings apart. Boy Willie (Washington) wants to sell the piano to start building the family fortune. Berniece (Deadwyler) refuses to let go of the sole vestige of their family’s heritage. In the middle, Uncle Do...
Spare a thought for Eric Stewart, a great guitarist in a band that wasn’t really known for guitar rock. Their greatest hit, “I’m Not in Love” had no lead at all. Maybe that’s why he gave himself a long solo break on the finale of 10cc’s debut, Deceptive Bends. He plays ...
Also during this time, Klaus and Tina moved their family of five into a mud home in the village of Curahuasi, a village strategically located between three Peruvian cities. By May 2005, the Johns were participating in a miracle: the ground-breaking for Diospi Suyana Hospital—a project that...
The best things to do in NYC this weekend include UCBLK, the Outsider Art Fair, a Gather NYC concert, vintage train rides, and a major exhibit at the Brooklyn Museum.
Youth involves a certain innocence but also perseverance. The word “can’t” wasn’t in my vocabulary. I partnered with a friend buying distressed multifamily properties around Houston. Even though we were enthusiastic and backed with start-up sums, I didn’t make a deal work. My friend mo...
(Revised and reblogged from December 15, 2014, while we enjoy a blessed week with family!) Photo credit: Sign up below for the monthly newsletter, with additional features not included on the blog. (If the sign-up doesn’t work, let me know in the Comment secti...