表达“hope for the best” 被用来表示 “人们希望一件事情能有个好结果,要尽量往好处想”。但通常情况下,人们使用这个表达来暗示事情的结果可能不尽人意。 例句学习: I don’t know if I’ve got the job yet. I’ll just have to wait and hope for the best...
1. Okay.Got you.If you say:Hope for the best, but prepare for the worst,what you mean is: Bad things might happen, so be prepared for them. For example. While my father was in the hospital after his heart attack(心脏病), we hoped for the best and prepared for the worst. 2.Well...
Hope's theme of life, moving through seeming death to a new and more beautiful life, has touched the hearts of millions of people. Hope for the Flowers is for young and old, lovers, husbands and wives. It's a book to learn to read with, or to comfort those who are dying or grievi...
如果我们一心只想着那只碎掉的碗,花精力去研究为什么碗掉了,花时间去后悔为什么自己没有更小心一点,那我们将永远停留在一个地方无法前进。”英文谚语里有这么一句话:Hope for the best, Prepare for the worst。翻译过来就是:“抱最好的期望,作最坏的打算。”人生,只有经历过心甘情愿的付出,才会在最后得...
Hope for the best 尽量往好处想 今日短语 表达“hope for the best” 被用来表示 “人们希望一件事情能有个好结果,要尽量往好处想”。但通常情况下,人们使用这个表达来暗示事情的结果可能不尽人意。 例句 I don’t know if I’ve got the job yet. I’ll just have to wait and hope for the best....
The Hope Center for College, Community, and Justice is driving a movement to assist students’ basic needs for food and housingto support students across the country! Be a part of the Hope Community Sign up to receive actionable information to support students via our newsletter, along with imp...
The Center • A Place of HOPE provides award-winning treatment for depression, anxiety, eating disorders, trauma & addiction
The Center • A Place of HOPE provides award-winning treatment for depression, anxiety, eating disorders, trauma & addiction
At The Center • A Place of HOPE, we understand what it is like to be addicted. The road ahead may have some bumps, but we will navigate with you, together, and help you rediscover the real you. Your Addiction Care Program We begin withyour your Initial Comprehensive Personal Assessment...
The Monarch Center is located at the former Sylvia’s House. 2895 SE 62nd Street, Ocala, FL 34480 Phone: (352) 873-7456 Located at the former Sylvia’s House, The Monarch Center is unique in Marion County and is the community leader for providing support to anyone who is seeking healing...