orUnited States of AmericaAbbr.USorU.S.orUSAorU.S.A. A country of central and northwest North America with coastlines on the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. It includes the noncontiguous states of Alaska and Hawaii and various island territories in the Caribbean Sea and Pacific Ocean. The area ...
establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America. ...
美国国家概况TheUnitedStatesofAmerica(英文)--第1页 TheUnitedStatesofAmerica 1.plain平原 2.plateaus高原 3.predominant占优势 4.glacier冰川 5.tropical热带的 6.borough行政区 7.refine提炼 8.census人口普查 9.immigrant移民 10.ethnic种/民族的 11.amalgamate同化 ...
The United States of America 1.plain平原 2.plateaus高原 3.predominant占优势 4.glacier冰川 5.tropical热带的 6.borough行政区 7.refine提炼 8.census人口普查 9.immigrant移民 10.ethnic种/民族的 11.amalgamate同化 12.strait海峡 13.reservation居留地 14.famine饥荒 15.assimilation吸收 16.Great Plain大平原...
On the edge of America, census begins in a tiny Alaska town 1 of 17 | In this Saturday, Jan. 18, 2020, photo, a woman bundles up against the cold, in Toksook Bay, Alaska. The first Americans to be counted in the 2020 Census starting Tuesday, Jan. 21, live in this Bering Sea ...
Presents a chart on the decennial censuses taken from 1790 to Census 2000 in the United States. Includes questions asked in a census; Developments and innovations in census taking; Aspects of census questions and findings.RothwellJenniferTruran...
Inthe20thdecennialU.S.census,takenin1980,theresidentpopulationintheUnitedStatesnumbered226,547,346.About188.3million(83.2%)wereclassifiedaswhite,26.5million(11.7%)asblack,and11.7million(5.1%)asmembersofotherraces.Immigration Immigrationaccountsforamajorsourceofpopulationgrowth.Almost20millionpeopleor7...
Telling the Indian-American Story through Census 2020 No longer in the Shadows…every single person counts. [dropcap]I[/dropcap]t’s time for every single person in America to be counted – citizens, non-citizens, illegal immigrants and undocumented workers. Regardless of age, financial or ...
America. The Declaration of Independence, the Bill of Rights, abolitionist movement, civil rights movement and affirmative action were highlights in the advancement of American democracy. The principle of “government of the peo...
English is the official language of the United States, also called American English in contrast with British English. According to the 2000 census(人口普查), English is spoken by 82.1% of its population, Spanish 10.7%, other Indo-European 3.8%, Asian and Pacific island 2.7%, and other 0.7%...