The complete Edexcel IGCSE Biology course from start to finish. Huge bundle of resources with every topic covered. Be sure to check out our presentations! Complete s
Horvitz Department of Biology, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Mass. 02139, U.S.A. In C. elegans vulva! development involves six pre- cursor cells, P3.p-P8.p, each of which has the potential to express any one of three cell lineages, designated 1°, 2° and 3°. ...
The term "central dogma of biology" describes a simple rule, that information in DNA is transcribed onto RNA, which is then translated into proteins. The actual processes are much more complex, but the important point is that these basic steps occur in the cells of all lifeforms....
Life history.Each egg is laid in one of the hexagonal wax cells and hatches into a tiny, white, legless larva. The larva feeds on substances deposited in the cell by the workers; it grows, pupates in the cell, hatches as an adult bee and finally emerges from the cell into the hive....
(u o5Assc0ai)ynm .μtgPempsMHle)(&.D2b.M5Ey)f.aaiocHcnpeidtillisiuctmtaoantlapgemcadtrtioihtschpsoruehlooeaassgcgciowcecuspaeme(lrE.eleuP)oslMiiabnottin2aBo.5isnAnsaeiLongdfFdnoiiwncfnihfecldaraaneamnygctmleo3ysu,aiw7nnto,tceer1rryde4eacuaasesfseltsildenesrsgcseeldls Giemsa ...
The genes we identified containing one or more tCWCH2 motifs are known to be involved in various biological processes, including chromatin remodeling (Arid2/Rsc9), zinc homeostasis (Zap1/ZafA), pH sensing (PacC), cell cycle regulation, and transcriptional regulation (Zic/Gli/Glis, PacC, Mizf...
What AlphaFold does is to use AI to accurately predict 3-D structures of proteins. Proteins are the workhorses of the cell, as you know. And it’s been one of those grand challenges in biology to work out how to predict the structure of a pro...
O level biology quiz app with free download to install biology app (iOS) to practice 1800+ GCSE biology quiz based MCQs. "O Level Biology Quiz" app with trivia questions and answers, IGCSE GCE biology MCQs to solve self-assessment tests. "O Level Biology Notes" learning app worksheets with...
Experiments on yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, the simplest eukaryotic cell, have suggested that enzymic activity at the appropriate location inside the cell is a basis for β-neurotoxicity3. Supporting this, a GIIA β-ntx - ammodytoxin (Atx) from the venom of the nose-horned viper (Vipera a....
(NSCs) are linked to age-related cognitive decline which can be modulated by lifestyle. Nutrient-sensing pathways provide a molecular basis for the link between lifestyle and cognitive decline. Adopting a back-translation strategy using stem cell biology to inform epidemiological analyses, here we ...