Don’t you love it when a video game actually delivers on 99-percent of the great ideas it was founded on? You can feel that peeking through frequently as Double Fine’s Ron Gilbert-penned adventure,The Caveunfolds, but all of that potential is ultimately swallowed up by the titular underg...
On the surface, The Cave can initially look like a bog-standard fairly repetitive side scrolling platformer with some different characters. It is actually a gem of a game and great FUN to play even multiple times. The Cave commentator holds the game together nicely with some funny and memorabl...
The Cave is a new adventure game from Monkey Island and Maniac Mansion creator Ron Gilbert, and Double Fine Productions, the award-winning studio behind Psychonauts and Brütal Legend. Assemble your team of three from seven unlikely adventurers, each with their own unique personalities and stories,...
John Madden is rolling in his grave right now, and that's hardly a good sign considering he's still alive. © Copyright 2011 The Video Game Critic.Find Madden NFL 12 on eBay, Amazon, YouTube, ForumsCopy link to this review 1 or 2 players ...
Once you reach a specific destination (like a cave), the game turns into a more conventional side-scroller, but even these stages are dull and poorly designed. Ax Battler is ill conceived, attempting to incorporate both action and exploration. This ambition weighs the game down. Ax Battler's...
not single-player AI. We here at the Cave have yet to look closely at the latestWarCraftRPG, this time from Sword & Sorcery, and it certainly looks more credible and satisfying that any of Wizards of the Coast's old Blizzard-licensed properties... but it's still not exactly setting the...
Video Game Rank: N/A Commodore 64 Rank: N/A Apple II Rank: N/A Num Ratings: 0 Average Rating: 0.00 Standard Deviation: 0.00 Num Views: 942 GeekBuddy Analysis: Analyze Similarly Rated: View Avg. Game Weight: 0.0 Fans: 0 Personal Comments: 0 Users Owning: 0 Users Wanting: 1...
The best video game stories of all time, from Mass Effect 2's intergalactic soap opera to Life is Strange's affecting drama.
Oak wonders if there are 150 Pokémon after all, and asks Red if he'll check out Cerulean Cave. Green protests that it's dangerous, but then admits mostly he really wishes he could have that Pokémon for himself. Oak agrees that Red will need some preparation to be able to take on ...
Orleans easily finishes on top. There are quite a few versions of this game and I folded all of them in, but even without that, I’m pretty confident that it’s our favorite O game; after all, half of the voters listed it. I was actually pretty surprised to see Ora finish second;...