The Crusades were a series of holy wars fought between Muslims and Christians for control of holy sites that were important and symbolic to both faiths. There was also an underlying motive from the Christians for eastward expansion to broaden trade routes and increase wealth as well as spread th...
An Overview of the Effects of the Crusades The Crusades were a long series of wars between various Christian powers in Europe and several Muslim powers in the Middle East. Religion was only one of the causes of the Crusades. Control of a valuable trade route called the Silk Road and a ...
TheCauseofTheCrusades Historygraduallyapproachedthe11thcentury.ProductivityhasmadegreatprogressioninwesternEurope,withtheeconomydevelopingfast,manyvilliagesandtownsgrowingintocities.Formanyfeudalleaders,theiroriginalwealth,landandpowernowcouldnotliveuptotheirdesires,sothebulkofthembecamedesperatelytoexpandthelandandwealth,...
The Crusades had an important influence on the relationship between the East and the West. One of the main effects was _. A. it completely ended the cultural exchanges between the two sides B. it promoted the spread of Western culture in the East and vice versa C. it made the East and...
A History of the Crusades《十字军史》试译稿 I 十字军东征前夜的西欧 十字军起源于十一世纪的西欧。要想理解十字军,先得了解其兴起的环境。然而,这块土地上,毫无十字军的相关文字记载,也没人可供咨询。可以想见,那时,各方势力混战,渐渐形成了中世纪文明,自然产生了十字军。十一世纪是中世纪三大开创性时代之...
Stories from the Crusades 《Stories from the Crusades》是一本图书,作者是Kelman, Janet Harvey、Luard, L. D.。
The Crusades essays The Crusades were a series of "holy wars." They began over religious conflicts between the Muslim Turks and the Christian Europeans. The Crusades were mainly fought over land. Yet, those who fought found personal reasons, such as wea
Crusades: Crescent & the Cross(2005) TV Movie|183 min|Documentary, History, War Edit pageAdd to list Track A detailed documentary telling the complete story of the great Christian Crusades into the Holy Land. Directors Stuart Elliott|Mark Lewis ...