The Reformation95 Theses 单击单词卡可翻转 👆 Luther's Ninety-Five Theses centers on practices within the Catholic Church regarding baptism and absolution. Significantly, the Theses reject the validity of indulgences (remissions of temporal punishment due for sins which have already been forgiven). ...
Protestant Reformation 3 Anglican 4 Lutheran 不知道嗎? 本學習集中的詞語(7) indulgences Selling of forgiveness by the Catholic Church. It was common practice when the church needed to raise money. The practice led to the Reformation. Protestant Reformation A religious movement of the 16th century...
The three main factors leading to the start of the Italian Renaissance are: 1) Government; 2) Banking; and 3) Intellectual Development. The Proto-Renaissance period between 1200 and 1400 A.D. marks the transition from Medieval Europe and the power of the Catholic Church as the main political...
The Protestant Reformation 點擊卡片即可翻轉 👆 People began to leave the Catholic Church, but still be ChristianMostly pushed back against the Pope's powerBegan for multiple different reasonsRenaissance introduced secular thoughtThe Printing Press spread ideasGermany was politically fracturedPeople did not...
Henry VIII (1491-1547) King of England from 1509 to 1547; his desire to annul his marriage led to a conflict with the pope, England's break with the Roman Catholic Church, and its embrace of Protestantism. Henry established the Church of England in 1532.關於...
Origin of catholic(in rome) and eastern orthodox church What group of Barbarians took the Byzantine Ottoman turks What year would they finally fall? 1453AD What 3 things all happened at the same time?A. where were these located, by what ocean?B. What were the asian, african, and arab(...
The Latin translation of the Bible completed by St. Jerome. It became the authorized Bible used in the Catholic Church up to modern times. caesaropapism The political theory that held that a secular ruler should also have authority over the Church, including in matters of doctrine. ...
Protestant Reformation A religious movement of the 16th century that began as an attempt to reform the Roman Catholic Church and resulted in the creation of Protestant churches. Protestants reformers who protested some practices of the catholic church Spanish Armada "Invincible" group of ships sent by...
King who brought the Reformation to England. He wanted a son which he believed required an annulment from the pope. When the pope refused, he began the Anglican Church. Mary I Also known as Bloody Mary. Daughter of King Henry VIII who wanted to mak...
用Quizlet學習並牢記包含House of Busirane (Book 3, Cantos 11 and 12)、Proem of the FQ、Amoretti, Sonnet 65等詞語及更多內容的單詞卡。