The Cat in the Hat: Dirigido por Alessandro Carloni, Erica Rivinoja. Con Matt Berry, Bill Hader, Bowen Yang, Quinta Brunson. Un astuto gato lleva el caos y las travesuras al hogar de dos niños pequeños.
Said the cat. “take a look!” Then he got up on top With a tip of his cat. “I call this game fun-in-a-box,” Said the cat. “in this box are two things I will show to you now. You will like these two things,” Said the cat with a bow. “I will pick up the hook....
The Cat in the Hat: Directed by Hawley Pratt. With Allan Sherman, Daws Butler, Pamelyn Ferdin, Tony Frazier. A red and white-striped top-hatted cat visits two children left home alone.
苏斯博士同时在美国创立了早期教育活动中心,深受全美孩子父母喜爱。苏斯博士的好几部经典作品都被多次搬上了荧幕。例如本文介绍的 《戴高帽的猫》(The Cat in the Hat) ,另还有 《圣诞怪杰》(How the Grinch Stole Christmas) , 《大象霍顿》(Horton Hears a Who!) , 《老雷斯的故事》(The Lorax) 等。
Seuss 16:51 How the Grinch stole Christmas 13:29 Cat In The Hat 17:07 Mr. Brown Can Moo- Can You 06:18 Oh- The Places you’ll Go 09:20 One fish Two fish Red fish Blue fish 12:19 The Cat in the Hat 12:05 The Lorax Dr. Seuss 18:30...
said the cat in the hat. "A lot of good tricks. I will show them to you. Your mother will not mind at all if I do." “我知道很多好玩的游戏, 还会一些新鲜的戏法,” 戴帽子的猫说。 “很多好玩的戏法, 我马上表演给你们看...
The Cat in the Hat是一只有着黑白毛色的猫,它带着红白相间的高帽子、红色的领结和白色的手套,像极了一位绅士。但是它其实有着一颗长大不大的心,它神奇的帽子里总会变出很多有趣的东西。Sally和Nick是邻居,也是好朋友,他们非常的善良聪明,但是他们也会遇到生活中出现的各种问题,每次遇到难题的时候The ...
定价:USD 8.99 装帧:Hardcover ISBN:9780394800011 豆瓣评分 8.5 237人评价 5星 45.1% 4星 38.4% 3星 12.7% 2星 2.5% 1星 1.3% 评价: 写笔记 写书评 加入购书单 分享到 推荐 内容简介· ··· In the first book featuring the character (The Cat in the Hat, 1957), the Cat brings a cheerful...
Cat 猫咪 Hat 帽子 Trick 欺骗 Wet 潮湿的 绘本自取 5 向上滑动阅览 -END- 翻译自取 6 向上滑动阅览 《The Cat In The Hat》 The sun did not shine. It was too wet to play. 乌云密布,遮住了阳光。外面湿湿的,没有办法...
Said the cat. “take a look!” Then he got up on top With a tip of his cat. “I call this game fun-in-a-box,” Said the cat. “in this box are two things I will show to you now. You will like these two things,” Said the cat with a bow. “I will pick up the hook....