'Seinfeld' debuted on NBC in 1989 and ran for nine seasons, becoming one of America's most beloved sitcoms -- created by Larry David and starring Jerry Seinfeld as a fictional version of himself, the show centered around the stand-up comedian, three of his neurotic friends, and the everyd...
On the Set of Seinfeld XXX 2: Directed by Justin Donaldson. With Hal Rudnick, James Deen, Eric John, Lee Roy Myers.
Catching up with...the cast of Seinfeld 来自 EBSCO 喜欢 0 阅读量: 13 作者: Lynch, Jason 摘要: Presents updates on the careers of the actors who starred in the television program `Seinfeld.' Julia Louis-Dreyfus' appearance in the television program `Geppetto'; Jason Alexander's appearance...
Porndogs: The Adventures of Sadie: Directed by Greg Blatman. With Marilyn Chambers, Ron Jeremy, Too $hort, Dustin Diamond. Sadie, the most beautiful Yellow Lab in the whole wide world, lives an idyllic, pampered life in the suburbs. One day, she comes in
Seinfeld(1989) Kyle MacLachlan Self / Trey Twin Peaks(2017) Dylan McDermott Self (archive footage) The Practice(1997) Anne Meara Self Heavyweights(1995) John P. Melfi Self Sex and the City(2008) Alanis Morissette Self Dogma(1999) Cynthia Nixon ...
The Greatest Hits: Directed by Ned Benson. With Lucy Boynton, Justin H. Min, David Corenswet, Austin Crute. A love story centering on the connection between music and memory and how they transport us, sometimes literally.
Jerry Seinfeld was the only member of the cast to appear in every episode of his hit show Seinfeld.(TOP TICKETS)Husking, Charlie
Seinfeld(1989) Harland Williams Russell Fudgy Wudgy Fudge Face(2010) Sean Whalen Dirk The People Under the Stairs(1991) Barbara Dodd Granny (as Barbara Dodd Ramsen) Big Stan(2007) Victor Izay Greeter (Jerry) Wild Hogs(2007) Marc Mouchet ...
The Handicap Spot: Directed by Tom Cherones. With Jerry Seinfeld, Julia Louis-Dreyfus, Michael Richards, Jason Alexander. At Kramer's insistence, George parks his Dad's car in a handicap spot. After a woman is injured because of it, George becomes his Da
Dig Deeper Here's What The Cast Of 'Heavyweights' Looks Like Now Also ranks #7 on The Best SNL Cast Members of the '00s 12 Ryan Hamilton Ashton, Idaho 54 votes With his clean-cut appearance and observational humor, Ryan Hamilton has been compared to a modern-day Jerry Seinfeld. He oft...