Making Waves: The Art of Cinematic Sound: Directed by Midge Costin. With Gary Rydstrom, Steven Spielberg, Teresa Eckton, Thomas A. Edison. An exploration of the history and emotional power of cinema sound, as revealed by legendary sound designers and vis
WAVES的视频 26 个视频 2:00:07 Daniel Avery – 'Fear is Only Real in Dreams' – 120 minutes of unreleased material for Ford 1.8千次浏览 4:49 james K - Eiv Mude 606 人观看 4:56 Gesloten Cirkel - Quiker (official video) 9千次浏览 ...
【纪录片】Making Waves - The Art of Cinematic Sound(1)(下)。听TED演讲,看国内、国际名校好课,就在网易公开课
B Ofentse Pitse is making waves Sound waves, that is! She's the conductor of Anchored Sound.That's an all-black orchestr a and youth choir. Pitse started the group in her home country of South Africa.It's part of her plan to empower young black people and bring African classical music...
Only recently have studies considered the impact of wash. This is the loose water produced by a vessel as it travels through the water. Most studies have focussed on wash produced by fast-ferry services. It is, however, known that wind-generated waves, which are typically smaller and of ...
21. a heart of stone 铁石心肠 22. hang by a hair 千钧一发 23. be in two minds 三心二意 24. from top to down 自上而下 25. make one's mouth water 垂涎三尺 26. cast covetous eyes on 虎视眈眈 27. a whistling blizzard of bullets 枪林弹雨 28. let nature take its course 顺其...
These shocks come in the form of heat waves, droughts, fires and floods.这些冲击以热浪、干旱、 火灾和洪水的形式出现。 As climate shocks come more frequently and hit with more severity, they will lead to additional social conflict as areas become uninhabitable,随着气候冲击日益频繁, 强度不断增加...
【单选题】13.When sea level rises, it can increase the height of storm waves, making more areas vulnerable ( 易遭受 ) to storm damage.(3分) A. sea level rise B. Rise sea level C. Sea level rise D. Sea level rising 相关知识点: ...
Western Journal of CommunicationScheibel, D. 1995. ""Making Waves" with Burke: Surf Nazi Culture and the Rhetoric of Localism." Western Journal of Communication 59 (4): 253-269.Dean Scheibel, ```Making waves'' with Burke: Surf Nazi culture and the rhetoric of localism', Western Journal ...