遥远的桥 1944市场—花园行动 豆瓣阅读 英文原版 A Bridge Too Far : The true story of the Battle of Arnhem Cornelius Ryan 二战史诗三部曲 基本信息 平装本: 576页 书号ISBN-10: 0340933984 产品重量: 14盎司 书号ISBN-13: 9780340933985 社论: Hodder平装本(28 Junio 2007) ...
cassette/ka:’set/n.盒式录音带;盒子 cast/ka:st/vt.投,扔,抛;浇铸 castle/‘ka:sl/n.城堡;巨大建筑物 casual/‘kæʒjuəl/a.偶然的;随便的 cat/kæt/n.猫,猫科,猫皮 catalog/‘kætəlɔg/n.目录,目录册 catch/kætʃ/vt.捉住;赶上;领会 cattle/‘kætl/n.牛;牲口,...
Tobin gives her ten cents and extends one of his hands. She lifts Tobin’s hand, which is own brother to the hoof of a drayhorse, and examines it to see whether ’tis a stone in the frog or a cast shoe he has come for.“...
And bones cast in a little low dry garret, Rattled by the rat’s foot only, year to year. But at my back from time to time I hear The sound of horns and motors, which shall bring Sweeney to Mrs. Porter in the spring. O the moon shone bright on Mrs. Porter ...
Too much homework generates much strain, but we have alternative methods to alleviate our frustration. For instance, we will buy nutritious foods in a grocery store in our leisure time, although we have a shortage of money. On the 9. (assume) that we always have such an intense interest ...
who was cast as Mulderig, was known as a stuntdriverand served as the film’s stunt coordinator. The movie depends for much of its effect on skilled editing, anddirectorWilliam Friedkinoften acknowledged his debt to film editor Jerry Greenberg. In 2005The French Connectionwas selected for inclu...
CURRY G N, KOCZBERSKI G, LUMMANI J, et al.A bridge too far?The influence of socio-cultural values on the adaptation responses of smallholders to a devastating pest outbreak in cocoa[J].Global Environmental Change, 2015, 35:1-11.
A: 3. B: No, a week is too long. We’re staying there for four days. A: What are you doing there? B: We’re going to many restaurant. We want to taste different kinds of Italian food. A: 4. B: And we’re going shopping. A: Well, that sounds wonderful. 5. B: Thank ...