作者:Klusendorf Scott 出版社:Crossway Books 出版年:2009-3-10 页数:1 定价:GBP 10.99 装帧:Paperback ISBN:9781433503207 豆瓣评分 评价人数不足 写笔记 写书评 加入购书单 分享到 我要写书评 The Case for Life的书评 ···(全部 0 条)
The Case for Life: Equipping Christians to Engage the Culture.(Briefly Noted)(Brief article)(Book review)Beckwith, Francis J
and there remain these twelve published during the last few years which are here produced under the title of The Case-book of Sherlock Holmes.He began his adventures in the very heart of the later Victorian era,carried it through the all-too-short reign of Edward,and has managed to hold ...
and as I wished to lead a retired life I have seen little of my neighbours. Three days ago I had a call from a man who said that he was a house agent. He said that this house would exactly suit a client of his, and that if I would part with it money would be ...
"I fancy," said he,"that I may be of more use at Lamberley than here. It is eminently a case for personal investigation. If the lady remains in her room, our presence could not annoy or inconvenience her. Of course, we would stay at the inn." ...
Book Life Hacks Amazing Cutaways 2022年剪贴画 Annual 2022年度特刊 Book Of The Oceans 2022年 2022年特刊(迷人的科技) 2022年特刊(智力游戏) 【预售】The Collection2022年度特 【现货】Science + Nature特刊 2022年特刊有关记忆的科学 2022年古希腊特刊 ...
生命之书 The Book of Life的剧情简介 ··· 第九届乌镇戏剧节青年竞演入围剧目《生命之书 The Book of Life》是一部探讨生命本质的独角戏。你的生命还在继续吗?编号40126号空心人来到了生命剧场,在这里,每个空心人都有一本属于自己的生命之书,他们需要完成演出,找回生命之书中所有的文字。在剧场AI的指引下,...
对音乐人TASHI DELÄK而言,《The Book of Life 生命之书》是一个起点,也是他对于实现彻底改变的一次尝试。“生命之书”这一概念的灵感起初源于索甲仁波切的《西藏生死书》以及其中对藏传佛教生死观念的阐述,通过这样一张极富穿透力的概念作品,TASHI DELÄK也希望营造、描绘出生命轮回的尢限色彩与张力。
根据文章第一段“The goal of this book is to make the case for digital minimalism, including a detailed exploration of what it asks and why it works, and then to teach you how to adopt this philosophy if you decide it’s right for you. (这本书的目标是为数字极简主义辩护,包括详细探索它...
根据题干中be aimed at(目的是,旨在),可以把关键信息定位在第一段的第一句The goal of this book is to make thecase for digital minimalism 这本书的目的是为数字极简主义做一个案例,由此可知,这本书的目的是向人们推荐数字极简主义,B. Advocating a simple digital lifestyle.倡导简单的数字生活方式。