The Casagrandes: Created by Michael Rubiner, Miguel Puga, Chris Savino. With Carlos Alazraqui, Izabella Alvarez, Alex Cazares, Ruben Garfias. Spin-off of "The Loud House (2015)" featuring Ronnie Anne Santiago, who moves to the big city with her mother an
Rosa “Rosita” Casagrande (voiced by Sonia Manzano) is a character from the Nickelodeon cartoon series The Casagrandes. She is the mother of Maria and the grandmother of the Casagrande children, including Bobby and Ronnie Anne. Rosa is a loving grandmother who enjoys cooking for her family even...
"The Casagrandes" animated series centered on a Mexican American family and it's now been made into a film premiering in 2024 We love seeingLatinx talentand characters inanimation, especially since its so few and far between. One of the best Latinx animated shows wasThe Casagrandes,which aired...
Her work as a voice actress in Nickelodeon's animated series The Casagrandes demonstrates her ability to bring unique and memorable characters to life. Mia's other acting credits include appearances on popular TV shows such as Superstore and American Housewife. As one of the best Asian actresses...
The Loud Family (Lincoln, Lori, Leni, Luna, Luan, Lynn, Lucy, Lola and Lana, Lisa, Lily, Rita, Lynn Sr., Ronnie Anne, Bobby, Maria, Arturo, Rosa, Hector, Carlos, Frida, Carlota, C.J., Carl, Carlitos, Lalo, Sergio, Mama Lupe and Paco - The Loud House, The Casagrandes Charlotte...
The following is a list of episodes in the second season of The Loud House, which was renewed for that season on May 25, 2016. All episodes are directed by Chris Savino, though "The Old and the Restless", "Vantastic Voyage", and "Patching Things Up" were
1:00 PM NICK casagrandes, the: cursed! (#119)[1st season finale] 8:00 PM TNT aew: dynamite: 112520 (#209) CBS amazing race, the: are you a rickshaw? / this is not payback, this is karma (#3208/3209)[back-to-back new episodes] BOUNCE TV family time: daddy divorce (#810) ABC...
the casagrandes感恩节特别篇 吾王是谁 吾王是谁 11-24 6 【同人】屑人堆堆群QQ涂鸦 萌萌哒月... 因为吧里太冷清了开个贴来发发同人图 大部分应该都是镇楼这种质量的屑QQ涂鸦 这里比较喜欢Lola Lisa RonnieAnn sid Bobby 男主角镇楼 萌萌哒月... 12-5 0 久违的预告 吾王是谁 吾王是谁 10-31...