This post is part of the series: Find Preschool Activities on Carrots for a Carrot Theme or Unit Here you will find preschool activities on carrots for a carrot theme, including a carrot craft, the Carrot Seed lesson plan, and a preschool lesson on carrots! Use these carro...
故事一:小男孩种胡萝卜 来自《The carrot seed》,故事情节很简单,讲述的是一个小男孩一直坚信自己能种出一根胡萝卜,虽然家人们相继发出了怀疑甚至否定的观点,但是小男孩一直坚信,自己能种出胡萝卜,并且他也付出行动,每天为胡萝卜浇水、松土、除草,一天一天的盼望着,即使胡萝卜还没长出来,他也坚信着、行动着,直到...
绘本《The Carrot Seed 胡萝卜种子》,HarperCollins 绘本内容 本书文字浅显易懂,富有寓意。文字难度适合2岁左右的孩子,其中的寓意可能要到4岁以后才能理解什么叫坚持与信念。 不管身边的人怎么对小男孩说,是婉转的劝说——I’m afraid that it won’t come up(我恐怕它不会长出来了)”,还是直接的否定——It ...
A little boy planted a carrot seed. 一个小男孩种下了一颗胡萝卜种子。 His mother said, “I m afraid it won t come up.” 他妈妈告诉他:“恐怕这颗种子不会长大。” His father said, “I m afraid it won t come up.” 他爸爸也告诉他:“...
植树节就要到啦 对于小朋友 我们可以通过绘本的形式 生动的告诉他们人类和大自然的紧密关系 亲近自然,保护环境 下面跟大家分享一本关于种植的绘本 《The carrot seed》胡萝卜种子 畅销60年的经典之作 没有鲜艳的色彩,用及其简单的语言 却向孩子传递了等待的价值 ...
英文绘本The Carrot Seed 胡萝卜的种子 2024-08-17 09:43:5501:48 49 所属专辑:爱丽丝老师的睡前故事(英语) 喜欢下载分享 声音简介所有人都说:你的胡萝卜种子不会发芽。放弃吧,它就是不可能发芽。一天,一天,又一天,小男孩依然认真的除虫,浇水,除草。然后,终于有一天。。。 用户...
A little boy planted a carrot seed. 一个小男孩种下了一颗胡萝卜种子。 His mother said, "I'm afraid it won't come up." 他妈妈告诉他:“恐怕这颗种子不会长大。” His father said, "I'm afraid it won't come up." 他爸爸也告诉他:“恐怕这颗种子不会长大。” ...
经典英文故事绘本_The carrot seed 胡萝卜种子_亲子读物.pdf,幼儿英语启蒙学习儿童早教双语幼儿园贵族幼儿园培养天赋才能自律英文学校
英语绘本故事The Carrot Seed 胡萝卜种子 The Carrot Seed A little boy planted a carrot seed. His mother said,"I'm afraid it won't come up.'' His father said,"I'm afraid it won't come up.'' And his big brother said,"It won't come up." Every day the little boy pulled up the...