While preparing for an important business deal, two bachelors (John Travolta, Robin Williams) become the unexpected caretakers of twin children. One debacle after another follows, as the two clueless men try to take care of both their business duties and the rambunctious siblings. Though their liv...
Kindhearted Griffin Keyes is one of the best-loved caretakers at the Franklin Park Zoo, but since he is more comfortable with the animals than with females of his own species, his love life is lacking. When Griffin decides that the only way to get a girlfriend is to find a more...
The Mad Doctor movie is a subgenre that, below the surface, glorifies intimate male camaraderie and male homosexuality, and by the close of the picture, society, the prevailing culture, must, in turn, annihilate that which is repressed. However, it is not exclusively a vehicle to express hom...
The Caretakers 1963 The Couch 1962 The Cry Baby Killer 1958 The Curious Dr. Humpp 1969 The Curse of her Flesh 1968 The Deadly Organ 1967 The Defilers 1965 The Delinquents 1957 The Dirty Girls 1965 The Fat Black Pussycat 1963 The Fiend Who Walked the West 1958 The Flesh Me...
The Caretakers (1963) Director Hall Bartlett's lurid melodrama about mental illness is mental all right. Polly Bergen's crack-up in a movie theater may be the high point — or low point, depending on one's point of view. The cast — Joan Crawford, Robert Stack, Janis Paige, Constance ...
The 4:30 Movie. (Kevin Smith) Megalopolis. (Francis Ford Coppola) Rebel Ridge. Jeremy Saulnier) Io Capitano. (Matteo Garrone) Zielona granica. (a.k.a. Green Border) (Agnieszka Holland) Chiennes de vies. (Xavier Seron) Das Lehrerzimmer. (a.k.a. The Teachers’ Lounge) (İlker Çat...
The Caretakers by Adrian Chamberlin is a stand-alone novel. Tom Hughes possesses a deep and ferocious rage inside. Fifteen years ago, at Oxford, he and some of his friends encountered a dark evil that seeks to overthrow the planet in the end days of man. Tom returns to Oxford decades ...
Define oglers. oglers synonyms, oglers pronunciation, oglers translation, English dictionary definition of oglers. v. o·gled , o·gling , o·gles v. tr. To look or stare at, especially in a desirous manner. v. intr. To look or stare, especially desirous
Get full details of who’s speaking, as well as your tickets, over here. Oh, and finally, in case you missed it over the holidays, we’re looking for two new volunteers to move into TWF Towers! Could it be you? In short, we seek a replacement as well as someone to step into a...
Get full details of who’s speaking, as well as your tickets, over here. Oh, and finally, in case you missed it over the holidays, we’re looking for two new volunteers to move into TWF Towers! Could it be you? In short, we seek a replacement as well as someone to step into a...