It’s time to enter the nightmare-fueled world of THE CARE BEARS MOVIE (1985) and CARE BEARS MOVIE II: A NEW GENERATION (1986)! So stop reading ancient tomes with bald green ladies that yell at you, don’t make deals with red-eyed gingers in track suits, and set your tummy beams ...
Jason’s favorite movie of 2023 was the gray flipside to “Barbie,” Christopher Nolan’s “Oppenheimer.” And while none of us would exactly call ourselves Nolan fans, this one manages to grapple with a deep subject with great care. It’s got some spectacular scenes that will blow your ...
Some of the teachers of younger kids have had some more concrete concerns about Magic cards. The trading can annoy them. Some parents have had misgivings about some cards (The Dark?): "Pay attention to what your kid is buying. Don't let an 8 year old go to an R-rated movie either....
The original French title,Adams, refers to Cecil Adams, the world’s greatest movie star. Adams is everything a studio and a worldful of moviegoers could ask for: handsome, dashing, funny, heroic, romantic, debonair and homespun. Whatever the part demands. He has just finished his latest ...
movie-soundtrack juggernaut. Somewhat oddly, though, Tangerine Dream’s decades-long story ends abruptly with Froese’s death in 2015: no mention whatsoever is made of the band’s current incarnation. Klaus Schulze’s traiblazing career and his major role in the development of modern electronic ...
Horror movie locale map. This is areallyscary story. I hate it when this happens. At the Mountains of Madness. Lovecraftian romance comics. I’m also not very fond ofthis. The Onion, on a seasonal roll. Recipes from Aleister Crowley. ...
Near the end, an American movie comes to Rueil’s local cinema. It stars James Charity (see above) and turns out to be both the actor’s autobiography and the synthesis of all of Jacques’ past fantasies: He is seen to appear now as an explorer, now as an inventor, now as a boxer...
I can almost see you rolling your eyes, muttering, “What has she got against The Hulk? Yeah, he’s ugly and stupid, but so what? That’s what makes it fun!” Some of you may even quip, “What? Does she close her eyes every time he comes on in an Avengers movie?” (Where ...
Bill also says, “The secret of any strip's longevity is in having readers who care about the characters. Without the audience, there would be no strip. I've always been grateful for them. “I would like to say that I take all reader feedback seriously, both positive and negative. I...
This talk dived into building real-world applications with generative AI. It flipped the script on traditional development, starting with user experience. Imagine a composer’s assistant that understands emotions and suggests music based on movie scenes, director notes, and even free-form transcripts....