好望角(Cape of Good Hope)是非洲南端/非洲大陆西南端的著名地标,也被称为“风暴角”(Cape of Storms)或“Cape Agulhas”,是非洲的重要地标,对航海历史有深远影响。 ‘the cape of good hope’的基本定义与名称由来 “The Cape of Good Hope”,中文译为“好望角”,是非洲...
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The Cape of Good Hope牛津大学酒吧 口味:?.? 环境:?.? 服务:?.? 营业中登录后查看营业时间外卖 App内查看更多外卖1 Iff***商户优惠 商家团购套餐 ¥** 打开大众点评App查看 推荐菜 查看更多 网友推荐(2) Caesar saladboneless chicken 去大众点评App查看全部2道推荐菜 写评价 收藏牛津餐厅 牛津大学 酒吧...
cape好望角hope海滩beachesafri ThereismagicatthetipofAfrica.在非洲西南端有一个神奇的地方。StandingontopoftheflatsurfaceofTableMountainonacleardayisoneofthosespecialmomentsthatyoutuckawayforsafekeepingintherecessesofyourmind.Inthecompanyofrockrabbits,anicyfreshseabreezeandyourownthoughts1086metersaboveanAtlanticOcean...
the Cape of Good HopeˌCape of GoodˈHope, the apeninsula (=a piece of land surrounded on three sides by water)at the southwestern end of South Africa, where the Atlantic Ocean meets the Indian Ocean 时代网英语在线翻译词典收录了323754条英语词汇在线翻译词条,基本涵盖了全部常用英语词汇的中英...
刚发现这首 The Cape of Good Hope 翻译过来就是“好望角”的意思饿。但是听起来明明还是很悲伤。。 http://music.163.com/#/song?id=28531958 ladyflybug 闻鸡起舞 13 南音碎语 游乐园主 9 你也用的网易 移花_无缺少主 枪花主音 11 好望角并不是终点 过了好望角才是希望 之前是艰险的海途 扫...
Cape′ of Good` Hope′ n. 1.acapein SAfrica,intheSWRepublicofSouthAfrica. 2.AlsocalledCape′Prov`ince.Formerly,Cape Colony.aprovinceintheRepublicofSouthAfrica.7,443,500;277,169sq.mi.(717,868sq.km).Cap.:Cape Town. RandomHouseKernermanWebster'sCollegeDictionary,©2010KDictionariesLtd.Copyright...
At the Cape of Good Hope The poem "At the Cape of Good Hope" by Sarah Barber is presented. First Line: With a brother to mind us and credit; Last Line: cliff-sides, trying out our ... S Barber - 《Cold Mountain Review》 被引量: 1发表: 2013年 Africa Trek I, 14,000 Kilometers...
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