The Canterbury Tales (Middle English: Tales of Caunterbury)[2] is a collection of twenty-four stories that runs to over 17,000 lines written in Middle English by Geoffrey Chaucer between 1387 and 1400.[3] It is widely regarded as Chaucer's magnum opus. The tales (mostly written in ...
Don Quixote 堂吉诃德.pdf 少年维特的烦恼英文版.pdf Utopia(乌托邦).pdf 悲惨世界英文版.pdf 麦田里的守望者-英文版(清晰非扫描).pdf The Canterbury Tales坎特伯雷故事集.pdf 双城记(英文版.).pdf 巴黎圣母院英文版.pdf Madame Bovary 包法利夫人.PDF A Midsummer Night’s Dream仲夏夜之梦.pdf A Doll\’s H...
42、Read the following statement and decide whether they are ture(T) or false (F).F1.The Canterbury Tales is representative work of the old English period.T2.The Renaissance is characterized by admiration of the Greek and Latin classic works.T3.As a great English peot,Alexander Pope also ...
literary devices ___Participated actively ___Refers to text ___Helped resolve conflicts Teaching Techniques ___Uses visual aids ___Provides handouts ___Involves class in discussion ___Answers questions from students ___Involves class in activity Once the tales are assigned, negotiate teaching ...
c1388ChaucerstartswritingTheCanterburyTales. c1400TheGreatVowelShiftbegins. 1476WilliamCaxtonestablishesthefirstEnglishprintingpress. EarlyModernEnglish 1564Shakespeareisborn. 1604TableAlphabeticall,thefirstEnglishdictionary,ispublished. ThefirstpermanentEnglishsettlementintheNewWorld 1607 (Jamestown)isestablished. 1616Sh...
I start with reference to Charles Dickens famous historical novel,A Tale of Two Cities. My address today isTwo Tales of A City.In particular, the manner in which Ballantynes management has handled the people side of its business during this past year, and secondly on how a group of people...
6、 _.选项:A:a hero B: a monsteC:a king D:a writer答案: 【a hero ;a king 】3、选择题:Theauthor of Piers Plowmanis _.选项:A:Robin HoodB:William LanglandC:WilliamD:Beowulf答案: 【William Langland】4、选择题:The Canterbury Talesis the only work of Chaucer.选项:A:对B:错答案: 【...
The Canterbury Tales22. Emily Bronte wrote only one novel entitled _.A. Jane Eyre B. Agnes Grey C. Wuthering Heights D. Emma23. Dickens third literary per 12、iod shows intensifying _.A. optimism B. excitement C. irritation D. pessimism24. _is Dickens best of social satires.A. American...
4、keofNormandy,invadesandconquersEngland.c1150 EarliestsurvivingmanuscriptsinMiddleEnglish.MiddleEnglish1348EnglishreplacesLatinasthelanguageofinstructioninmostschools.1362EnglishreplacesFrenchasthelanguageoflaw.EnglishisusedinParliamentforthefirsttime.c1388 ChaucerstartswritingTheCanterburyTales.c140 5、0 TheGreatVow...