路線:Lisboa/Porto —Santiago de Compostela 距離:> 100 km ~ 300 km 葡萄牙之路有分出許多路線,最長的基本上就是從 Lisboa(里斯本)開始走,但是我遇到的所有從 Lisboa 走完全程的朝聖者都建議不要從這開始走,而直接從離 Santiago 300 公里左右的 Porto 開始走才是最值得最棒的。因為從 Lisboa 到 Porto 這段...
圣地亚哥之路(El camino de Santiago)是联合国世界文化遗产,也是欧洲第一大文化旅游线路。在基督教世界...
The article discusses the Camino de Santiago pilgrimage in Spain. In 2007, more than 114,000 pilgrims arrived in Santiago, though many more probably hiked the Camino, as some choose to do it in segments over consecutive years. In part, the people are dr...
On the Camino de Santiago的剧情简介· ··· 《圣地亚哥卡米诺的六集系列》,由La Nube工作室为国际国家地理频道制作,于2009年5月首播。由西班牙流行乐队豪华的加利西亚音乐家Deluxe的前领导人XoelLo佩兹主持,由12世纪的古代手稿卡利克斯蒂努斯法本指导,我们将从荷兰穿过比利时和法国,穿越比利牛斯山脉前往西班牙的圣地...
The Camino de Santiago is one of the most significant and popular pilgrimage routes in the World. For over 1,000 years pilgrims have traveled to the tomb of St. James in Santiago de Compostela, Spain. Some do it for religious reasons and some just to have an adventure. ...
“Pilgrim, if you wish to arrive at Santiago full of strength and vitality, have a drink of this great wine and make a toast to happiness.” See below for more information on the monastery that owns the fountain. What to do and see in Estella Estella, Spain, offers a variety of activi...
This is the main start for the last 100 km of the Camino de Santiago on the Camino Frances. If you start your Camino de Santiago on the Camino Frances in Sarria, as many do, remember to have your Pilgrim’s Passport stamped twice each day if you want your Compostela on arrival in San...
All you need to know about walking the camino de santiago, the main Pilgrims walking routes in Spain, a great Camino Forum, and most gush about how ...
El Camino de Santiago (The Way of St. James) is a Catholic pilgrimage to the Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela in Spain, where the apostle St. James is believed to be buried. Visiting the Holy Land is a significant pilgrimage for Christians, Jews, and Muslims alike. Key sites include ...
The Camino de Santiago routes in Portugal are known as the Camino Portugues or the Portuguese Way of Saint James, (the Portugues and English). They are not one route but three routes through Portugal into Spain finishing in Santiago de Compostela. ...