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TheCambridgeGrammaroftheEnglishLanguage.ByRodneyHuddlestonand GeoffreyK.Pullum.Cambridge:CambridgeUniversityPress,2002.Pp.xvii,1842. ReviewedbyPeterW.Culicover,TheOhioStateUniversity * 1.Introduction.TheCambridgeGrammaroftheEnglishLanguage(CGEL)isa monumentallyimpressivepieceofwork. 1 Alreadypublishedreviewsofthiswo...
喜欢读"The Cambridge Grammar of the English Language"的人也喜欢· ··· A Comprehensive Grammar of the ...9.7 COBUILD English Grammar9.3 现代英语语法(套装共7册) Garner's Modern American Usage Macmillan English Dictionary for Ad...9.8 A Student...
Cambridge,England:Cambridge UniversityPress,2002,xvii+1842pp; hardbound,ISBN0-521-43146-8,$150.00 Reviewedby ChrisBrew TheOhioStateUniversity TheCambridgeGrammaroftheEnglishLanguageisacomprehensivedescriptivegrammar ofEnglishdesignedtobeaccessibletothegeneralreader.Partofthedeclaredgoal ...
English language[Article in French]H.G.A. HughesCorwen, Wales, UKPrentice-Hall,Huddleston, R. & G. Pullum (2002) The Cambridge Grammar of the English Language. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Kamp, H. & U. Reyle (1993) From Discourse to Logic - Introduction to Modeltheoretic ...
1) The Cambridge Grammar of the English Language 剑桥英语语法1. Additions to the English Grammar by The Cambridge Grammar of the English Language(2002); 《剑桥英语语法》2002版对英语语法的增补更多例句>> 2) BEC 剑桥商务英语 1. Features of BEC Course and the Teaching Practice; 剑桥商务英语...
英文原版 The Cambridge Grammar of the English Language 剑桥英语语法 Rodney Huddleston 精装 英文版 进口英语原版书籍 作者:Rodney出版社:Cambridge出版时间:2002年04月 手机专享价 ¥ 当当价降价通知 ¥2999 配送至 广东广州市 至北京市东城区 服务
内容提示: The Cambridge Grammar of the English LanguageCambridge University Press978-0-521-43146-0 - The Cambridge Grammar of the English LanguageRodney Huddleston and Geoffrey K. PullumFrontmatterMore informationwww.cambridge.org © in this web service Cambridge University Press 文档格式:PDF | ...
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出版者:Cambridge University Press 作者:Rodney D. Huddleston 出品人: 页数:1860 译者: 出版时间:2002-04-15 价格:USD 195.00 装帧:Hardcover isbn号码:9780521431460 丛书系列: 图书标签:英语语言学Grammar语法English英语语法英语学习语言 The Cambridge Grammar of the English Language 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书 ...