出版者:Cambridge University Press作者:Richard von Glahn出品人:页数:476译者:出版时间:2016-3-10价格:USD 99.99装帧:Hardcoverisbn号码:9781107030565丛书系列:图书标签: 经济史 海外中国研究 万志英 Economics 经济学 中国政治 中国史 EconomicHistory The Economic History of China 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书 图书...
The Cambridge History of China 电子书 读后感 评分☆☆☆ 两个感受。 第一,没有绝对客观的历史书写,但每本历史书都能带给读者新的视角。比如网络微博上最近常见到的许多重写抗日史的帖子,从一个极端到另一个极端,试图把蒋介石/GMD描绘成唯一真心抗日而GCD只是试图扩张自己地盘“游而不击”。可以看看本书相关...
2. Economic transition in the nineteenth century William Rowe 3. Agriculture Debin Ma and Kaixiang Peng 4. Handicraft and modern industries Linda Grove and Toru Kubo ··· (更多) 喜欢读"The Cambridge Economic History of China: Volume 2. 1800 to the Present"的人也喜欢 ··· Statelessness...
The Cambridge Economic History of China. Volume II: 1800 to the Presentdoi:10.1017/jch.2022.46CHINAECONOMIC historyCHINESE historyINTERNATIONAL competitionINDUSTRIAL productivityURBANIZATIONPOLITICAL sciencePomeranz, KennethJournal of Chinese History
剑桥欧洲经济史》(The Cambridge Economic History of Europe)是剑桥大学出版社出版的一套多卷本学术著作,旨在系统地研究欧洲的经济发展和历史演变。该书由多位知名经济史学家合作撰写,涵盖了从古代到20世纪的欧洲经济史。 总共有八卷。每一卷都涵盖了欧洲经济史的不同方面和时期,具体如下:(附下载链接) ...
出版社: 经济科学出版社 ISBN:9787505828872 版次:1 商品编码:11353294 包装:平装 外文名称:The Cambridge Economic History of Europe 开本:16开 出版时间:2002-09-01 用纸:胶版纸 页数:696 字数:730000 正文语种:中文剑桥欧洲经济史(第3卷):中世纪的经济组织和经济政策 [The Cambridge Economic History of Europe...
The Cambridge Economic History of India 《The Cambridge Economic History of India》是Cambridge University Press出版的图书,作者是Dharma Kumar (EDT),Meghnad Desai (EDT)
Unlike most existing textbooks on the economic history of modern Europe, which offer a country-by-country approach, The Cambridge Economic History of Modern Europe rethinks Europe's economic history since 1700 as unified and pan-European, with the material organised by topic rather than by country...
Cambridge,theVegebotisthefirstrobotthatcan identifyandharvesticeberglettuce(莴苣),bringinghopetofarmersthatoneofthemostdemandingcropsforhumanpickerscouldfinallybeautomated. 12 First,therearemoremouthstofeed,butless manuallabor.Withtheworld?spopulationexpectedtoclimbto9.7billionin2050from7.7billion today,agriculture...