The California Kid: Directed by Richard T. Heffron. With Martin Sheen, Vic Morrow, Michelle Phillips, Stuart Margolin. A deranged desert town sheriff has a murderous habit of forcing speeders to their deaths, until a young man with a souped-up hotrod arr
又名The California Kid 编剧 Richard Co...主演 马丁·辛维克·莫罗米雪·菲利普斯斯图尔特·马乔林尼克·诺特 剧情 A sadistic small-town sheriff has a habit of deliberately forcing speeders to their deaths on the mountain roads leading into town. The brot...演职人员(38) 理查德·哈佛伦 Richard ...
In the movie Dope, high school senior Malcolm (Shameik Moore) navigates life in a tough neighborhood in Inglewood, California. A geek with a love for '90s hip-hop culture, he dreams of Harvard University. His friends Diggy (Kiersey Clemons) and Jib (Tony Revolori) share his passio...
Starring a young Nicolas Cage, this quintessential 1980s teen rom-com centers around star-crossed lovers from opposite sides of the social spectrum in suburban California. The film is infused with the fashion, music, and vocabulary of the era, offering an entertaining and nostalgic...
马丁·辛(Martin Sheen),1940年8月3日出生于美国俄亥俄州代顿,演员。演出角色包括《现代启示录》中的本杰明·韦勒上尉和近年电视剧《白宫群英》中的约书亚·爱德华·巴特勒总统,在公开的政治立场方面属于自由派。1973年因主演《穷山恶水》(Badlands,1976)而获得了圣塞瓦蒂安国际电影节最佳男主角奖。 米雪·菲利普斯米雪...
Several factions with deep, shades-of-gray characters populate the wastes with interesting moral decisions, making the conflict between the New California Republic, Caesar’s Legion, and the mysterious Mr. House feel like anything but a black-and-white choice between good and evil. The fact that...
Directed by Elliot Silverstein, this cult horror flick was a late-show mainstay: Any kid switching channels late at night in the ’80s when those ominous “Dies Irae” chords came on knew he or she was in for something special. 38. Drive (2011) This movie isn’t quite the master...
"All Tony ever wanted to be was a movie star. He didn't want to be the most dramatic actor. He wanted to be a movie star ever since he was a little kid."A flamboyant personality with a ribald wit and zest for the high life, Curtis epitomized the storied glamour of old Hollywood....