Also the resistor's actual resistance: - 325 ohm Now the calculation indeed does make sense: 3.18V/325 Ohm = 9.8mA Which is close enough to the measured 9.4mA. Thanks everyone for helping out! current resistors current-measurement multimeter amperage Share Cite Follow ...
As part of determination of thermal properties of reflective insulation by experimental methods, the test element used to measure the thermal resistance of an insulated air cavity had to be created in accordance with the normative requirements. Part of this article is determination of the thermal ...
Moody's Investors Service on Wednesday downgraded China's long-term local currency and foreign currency issuer ratings from Aa3 to A1 but changed the outlook from "negative" to "stable," a move experts said showed apparent miscalculations. China dismisses Moody's downgrade as "inappropriate" Chi...
After that, you can measure the no load voltage of the battery by connecting the test lead to the battery terminals directly. It says "no-load" because the input resistance of the multimeter during the voltage measurement is very high, typically >1Mohm so the effect of current draw can be...
The carrier concentration of the perovskite films can be derived from the slope of the capacitance-voltage (Mott-Schottky) plots (see the measurement and calculation details in Supplementary Fig. 31, Supplementary Table 9 and Supplementary Note 5). The electron concentration (Fig. 3e) decreased ...
To ensure the safety of EV users and the integrity of the charging pile, proper grounding is essential. IUXPOWER's testing devices measure the grounding resistance by applying a known current between the grounding point of the charging pile and a reference ground. According to Ohm's law, the...
19, the mesh for the cylindrical section of the bullet outer jacket was refined and set to 6 layers since the deformation of this part is relatively larger during the engraving process. The mesh dimension of the cylindrical part was set to 0.1 mm under the balance of calculation accuracy...
Based on the fundamental concepts, one of the advantages of using stainless steel is its high corrosion resistance, but in combination with other alloying elements can provide good mechanical strength, making the steel an appropriate material to be used in diverse applications that, in many cases,...
3.1.2. Method to Calculate the Electrical Connection Resistance within Planar Contacts After having defined a measurement procedure and having identified the influences on the measurement, the calculation method within planar contacts for electrical connection resistance is discussed. For this purpose, the...
In this study, a two-stage desorption method was used to measure the total volume of desorbed gas. The first-stage desorption was conducted at 53 °C for 3 h; then, the sealed canister was heated to 110 °C with an electrical heater to rapidly collect the residual gas by enhancing the...