林中小屋 The Cabin in the Woods (2011)林中小屋 The Cabin in the Woods (2011)这还是一部2011年的电影,据说是很不错的恐怖片,正好填补一下我最近看片类型的空白。电影讲述五个人作为祭品,被恐怖生物猎杀,并最终导致世界毁灭的故事。人类生活的...
So, the five people that go to the said creepy looking cabin in the woods are the jock (Hemsworth), the slutty girl (Connolly), the intelligent guy (Williams), the stoner (Kranz) and the kooky girl who’s a lot more attactive than she’s made out to be (Hutchinson). The group st...
The less you know going intoThe Cabin in the Woods—a horror movie that transforms the classic mechanics of the genre into actual mechanisms—the better. A self-aware twist on haunted cottage slashers, the movie contains a lot of secrets, and oh-what-fun the audience will have discovering t...
1.跟"林中小屋"毫不搭调的影片开头是导演Drew Goddard和编剧Joss Whedon有意为之的,就是想让观众们以为自己看错电影了。 2.当Jules亲吻墙上的狼头时,剧组给狼的舌头覆盖上了糖粉,使其看上去满是灰尘,同时也让演员Anna Hutchison拍摄时舒服些。 3.在湖边的那个场景中,唯一没有跳进湖里的人是Marty,他留在了码...
Film Review : The Cabin in the Woods (15) : Red Herrings Begin to StinkThe Cabin In The Woods (15) Director: Drew Goddard Running time:105 minutes ***MUCH has happened...Synnot, Siobhan
The Cabin in the Woods you think you know the story, you think you know the place, think again 我印象中欧美的恐怖片都是那种血腥暴力,要么恶魔要么僵尸之类的,这部恐怖片当然没有偏离血腥,剧情算得上是新颖的,不会看了开头就猜中结尾,也不会血腥的那么烂俗,和我前几天看的饥饿游戏的故事有那么一点...
4.快到片尾时西格妮·韦弗(《异形》)又冒出来五分钟客串,说人家是处女,"We work with what we've got",咱有啥不就得用是不? 5.纯洁可爱的unicorn独角兽,变身杀人狂魔(这个真的是完全颠覆好吗!! 6.电梯叮一声,全世界欢乐 7.才不要拯救世界,咱来吸口烟...
想想电影名这《林中“小”屋》起的也忒内涵了点 If灬i 毕成功 10 8分真的是出乎意料,但作为惊悚片一点都没恐怖的气氛 健三快跑 天使姐姐 11 8分,连我这种对B级恐怖片无爱的人都被震到了,全片槽点太多,长得像林志玲的妹纸很美,锤哥死得很憋屈,狮门这个B级怪物创造大户终于来了一次恶趣味满点的狂欢,...
More like this 6.1Cabin in the Woods Watchlist 5.2Another Cabin in the Woods Movie Watchlist Cabin in the Woods Watchlist 7.0The Cabin in the Woods Watchlist A Cabin in the Woods to you is not a Cabin in the Woods to me Watchlist 6.1Knock at the Cabin Watchlist Storyline EditUse...
The Cabin in the Woods - Blu Ray Clip No. 1 Movie Details Theatrical Release:April 13th, 2012-Buy Tickets On DVD & Blu-ray:September 18th, 2012-Buy DVD Movie Budget:$30,000,000 Movie Box Office Gross:$71,038,838 (Worldwide)