More like this 6.1Cabin in the Woods Watchlist 5.2Another Cabin in the Woods Movie Watchlist Cabin in the Woods Watchlist 7.0The Cabin in the Woods Watchlist A Cabin in the Woods to you is not a Cabin in the Woods to me Watchlist 6.1Knock at the Cabin Watchlist Storyline EditUse...
THE CABIN IN THE WOODSThe article reviews the horror film "The Cabin in the Woods," directed by Drew Goddard, co-written by Joss Whedon, starring Kristen Connolly.Diones, BruceNew Yorker
Cabin in the Woods: With James M. Reilly, Katie Raulerson, Cole Critchell, Fleece. Explores crimes that take place in remote cabins around the country.
林中小屋 The Cabin in the Woods (2011) 林中小屋 The Cabin in the Woods (2011) 这还是一部2011年的电影,据说是很不错的恐怖片,正好填补一下我最近看片类型的空白。 电影讲述五个人作为祭品,被恐怖生物猎杀,并最终导致世界毁灭的故事。人类生活的世界实际上由远古的魔神控制,人类必须在固定时间送上五个人做...
The less you know going intoThe Cabin in the Woods—a horror movie that transforms the classic mechanics of the genre into actual mechanisms—the better. A self-aware twist on haunted cottage slashers, the movie contains a lot of secrets, and oh-what-fun the audience will have discovering ...
Buying a cabin in the woods is a big dream for two families. After selling their pricey California home, a couple has extra funds to buy a vacation spot in the Smoky Mountains, and near Connecticut, a family seeks a vacation retreat to create memories. Read more: Plot summary See all...
《林中小屋 / The Cabin in the Woods》1080P预告片 Apollo计划 1900 播放 · 1 弹幕 《林中小屋/The Cabin in the Woods》 预告 蓝光碟花絮 599 播放 · 0 弹幕 据说他是被评为笑起来最像小丑的人.. 看番还是萝莉好 212.3万 播放 · 2023 弹幕 [TSKS]林中小屋 E01.180406.中字TSKS 凤凰天使TSKS...
又名林中屋 The Cabin in the Woods Cab... 编剧 德鲁·高达乔斯·韦登 主演 布莱恩·J·怀特Anna HutchinsonKristen ConnollyFran Kranz杰斯·威廉姆斯 剧情 5个好朋友来到了密林深处的一座小木屋,然后,可怕的事情接二连三地发生了……你很可能会觉得这在... 导赏 非典型的恐怖电影 ...
第17届圣地亚哥影评人协会奖 (2012) 最佳原创剧本(提名) 乔斯·韦登 第25届芝加哥影评人协会奖 (2012) 最具潜力导演(提名) 德鲁·戈达德 第46届堪萨斯影评人协会奖 (2012) 最佳科幻/恐怖片 第12届凤凰城影评人协会奖 (2012) 年度被忽略影片(提名) >去 林中小屋 的页面 ©...