byzantineempire文明史byzantinesbyzantiumroman CHAPTER5 THECLASSICALLEGACYINTHEEAST:BYZANTIUM ANDISLAM I.THEBYZANTINES II.THERISEOFISLAM III.THEBYZANTINEAPOGEEANDDECLINE1000- 1453 INTRODUCTION •ThischaptertracesthefatesofthesetwoheirsofMediterranean civilization,ByzantiumandIslam,fromthesixthtothefifteenthcenturies...
The Byzantine Empire Rises After the Western part of the Roman Empire fell, the Eastern part became known as the Byzantine Empire. Justinian’s Achievements Justinian Code – single, uniform code of law (came from Roman law). Public building program Baths Aqueducts Courts Schools Hospitals Church ...
西方文明史(第五版)(精编普及版)教学课件第五章 The Byzantine Empireppt 热度: 西方文明史(第五版)(精编普及版)教学课件第十二章 Europe and the world 1870-1914 热度: CHAPTER9 THEPERIODOFMODERNEUROPE I.ECONOMICLIFE II.SOCIALLIFE III.THEROYALSTATE ...
ByzantineEmpire ► JustinianCodeFormedbasisofByzantinelawProvidedframeworkformanyEuropeanlegalsystemsPreservedRomanideathatpeopleshouldberuledbylaws,notbyleaderswhimsAbleAdvisorsTheodora-encouragedJustiniantoincreasewomen'srights►Altereddivorcelaws,allowedChristianwomentoownpropertyequaltoadowry...
法律知识导读(英文)第十六单元 The Spirit of the Laws_OK Unit16TheSpiritoftheLaws 《论法的精神》2021/7/2 1 Lead-in •孟德斯鸠(1689-1755),法国启蒙时期的思想家、社会学家,是西方国家学说和法学理论的奠基人。《论法的精神》是他最重要的、影响最大的著作,也是一部综合性的政治学著作。该书所...
The Byzantine Empire Mostly located in the Eastern Mediterranean basin Capital = Constantinople Gradually evolved into a distinctive civilization Eastern Orthodox Christianity The Byzantines looked to Rome as a source of inspiration Continued the Roman practices of: Road building Tax systems Military structu...
Think and Discuss Text Study Think and Discuss (2) Try to work out the reasons why the Byzantine Empire could stay much longer than the Western Roman Empire by moving into religious and ethnical diversities. There are a number of reasons for the longer survival of the Byzantine Empire in ...
欧洲中世纪英文版(The-middle-age).ppt,Middle Ages General Introduction Political and Religion aspectsCulture and Art aspectsPeople’s life in the Middle Ages dated from:The fall of the Western Roman EmpireThe British bourgeois revolution broke out In 476
47、ntinople was the capital of the Roman Empire (330-395), the Byzantine Empire (395-1204 and 1261-1453), the Latin Empire (1204-1261), and the Ottoman Empire (1453-1922). It was officially renamed to its modern Turkish name Istanbul in 1930 as part of Atatrks Turkish national reform...