Research conducted since the Genovese murder indicates that the failure of the bystanders to get involved can't be simply dismissed as a symptom of an uncaring society. Rather, the bystander effect, as it is called by social scientists, is the product of a complex set of psychological factors....
‘Bystander Apathy Effect"可知, “Bystander Apathy Effect指的是当有事故发生或有人面临困境 时,周围的人们往往选择冷漠地忽视或袖手旁观, 不插手干预; Bystander Apathy Effect意为“旁观者冷 漠效应”;结合选项可知, B项“On hearing a cry for help, people keep themselves to themselves.(听到呼救 声,...
“Bystander Apathy Effect”指的是当有事故发生或有人面临困境时,周围的人们往往选择冷漠地忽视或袖手旁观,不插手干预;Bystander Apathy Effect意为“旁观者冷漠效应”;结合选项可知,B项“On hearing a cry for help, people keep themselves to themselves.(听到呼救声,人们都保持沉默)”是一种“旁观者冷漠效应”...
有关旁观者效应(thebystandereffect)的英语作文 题目Something About Help Helping others is our traditional virtue, but in some cases, we can't help in time, even with serious consequences. So to encourage people to lend a hand when help is needed, today I’d like to talk something about ...
The Bystander Effect Essay Examples 🗨️ More than 20000 essays ✓ Find the foremost The Bystander Effect essay to get results!
(原文地址: 想象一下:你正在街上走路。突然,听见了一声惨叫。你转过身便看到某女生正在被某男子猛烈地攻击,之后行凶者立刻跑离了现场,这个女生浑受了伤,无助地躺在地上。遇上这种情况你会怎么做?
The “Bystander Apathy Effect” was first studied by researchers in New York after neighbors ignored — and in some cases turned up the volume on their TVs — the cries of a woman as she was murdered (over a half-hour period). With regard to helping those in difficulty generally, they ...
【题文】The “Bystander Apathy Effect” was first studied by researchers in New York after neighbors ignored — and in some cases turned up the volume on their TVs — the cries of a woman as she was murdered (over a half-hour period). With regard to helping those in difficulty generally...
they thought others wanted them to do. In the article “The Science of Paying It Forward” in the same study of the bystander effect, researchers also found that when there is already help being given to a situation, “you become a bystander who feels that help is no longer needed.” (...
The bystander effect is a strange psychological phenomenon 事发周围的人越多 the more people there are around 旁观者介入紧急情况的可能性就越小 the less likely bystanders are to intervene in an emergency situation 有一种解释说,众多的旁观者导致责任分散效应 one explanation is that the diffusion of ...