In the morning I walked down the Boulevard to the Rue Soufflot for coffee and brioche. It was a fine morning. The horse-chestnut trees in the Luxembourg gardens were in bloom. There was the pleasant early-morning feeling of a hot day. I read the papers with the coffee and then...
130.The Proud Horse and The Donkey | 骄傲的马和驴 474115:19 129.Galoshes of Fortune | 幸运的雨鞋 463316:34 128.The Hare And The Porcupine | 兔子和豪猪 454709:43 127.Elephant and Ant | 大象和蚂蚁 491605:24 126.The Monkey and The Crocodile | 猴子和鳄鱼 519608:39 125.Jack T Fool | ...
through the small Dutch window-panes at the blank side of the next brick house. One morning the busy doctor invited Sue into the hallway with a shaggy, greyeyebrow18. “She has one chance in—let us say, ten.” he said, as he shook down the mercury in his clinical thermometer. “And...
32. to confront successfully: the horse took the jump at the third attempt. 33. (intr) to have or produce the intended effect; succeed: her vaccination took; the glue is taking well. 34. (Horticulture) (intr) (of seeds, plants, etc) to start growing successfully 35. to aim or di...
The crowd surged past me on the pavements, busy and chattering, and I envied the people for having something to do. These shop-girls and clerks and dandies and policemen had some interest in life that kept them going. I gave half-a-crown to a beggar because I saw him yawn; he ...
"We always kept this clear. Why, you can't get a horse in now without he tromps the cotton." They paused at the dry watering trough, and the proper weeds that should grow under a trough were gone and the old thick wood of the trough was dry and cracked. On the well-cap the ...
“Too late, Watson; too late!” cried Holmes, as I ran panting to his side. “Fool that I was not to allow for that earlier train! It's abduction, Watson—abduction! Murder! Heaven knows what! Block the road! Stop the horse! That's right. Now, jump in, and let us see if I ...
Trend Recap: Raise your hand if you've ever told a little white lie when running late. No judgment, we're busy gals over here too. Give your Reels a dose of humor with this trending sound. Audio: Original audio - _ssiana Current # of Posts: 3.1K Trend: How Are You Going to Sp...
“Confound it, haven't you got any judgment at all?Do you want to ruin all the furniture on the place?Here, here, you petrified fool—” But it was no use. Before I could arrest him he had sat down on the bed, and it was a melancholy ruin. “Now what sort of a way is ...
fool; forced chamber explosion; forced landing (crash); form; fortress; frustration; geological lab report; geologist; glasses; gravity (g); green; hair; hand; hand laser; hat; hate; head; headache; health; Hell-Fire; helm; hereditary; "hold on a minute"; hole; home; hope; horse; hor...