The Bunny Hop 文章推荐 A Day at the Beach ABC Song Alphabet Roundup Alphabet Song (ABC) with Eep the Mouse Alphabet Train Food Train Auld Lang Syne Baa Baa Baa Sheep (HD) Baa Baa Black Sheep Animated Wheels on the Bus Color Song Today Is Your D...
259-The Bunny Hop 2024-06-15 10:00:020 儿歌 儿童音乐 儿童内容分类 切换-音频 00:00:00/ 00:00:00 高清 猜你喜欢 27 Bu Havada-AZAAR/ODILDOBRIY/UPbeats by:情迷电音 2960 给我二十联络簿bu by:给我二十联络簿bu 226 D.O.P.E.-A Da Bu$iness...
鹅妈妈童谣精选6 The Bunny Hop 这类能够边唱边跳的童谣最适合小朋友了。转给你家宝贝收藏起来吧。 #母婴狂欢月##成长每一课# @微博儿童教育
而今天的这首儿歌《The bunny hop》中,有可爱的小兔子、袋鼠和小青蛙蹦蹦跳跳,妈妈可以和宝宝一起学兔子跳、学青蛙跳…… 而且曲风欢快,节奏感强,韵脚整齐,又有很多重复的单词,超适合英语启蒙! 今 日 儿 歌 (请在WIFI网络下打开) ...
The Bunny Hop 兔子跳 Deep in the green wood animals play,绿色的树林深处,动物们在玩耍,Hopping and jumping the day away.蹦蹦跳跳地,一天就过去啦。Follow the animals in their game.跟着小动物们一起游戏,Here we go now.现在就开始。Let's do the same.我们来做同样的动作吧。Hop, hop, hop ...
Define bunny hop. bunny hop synonyms, bunny hop pronunciation, bunny hop translation, English dictionary definition of bunny hop. n 1. a jump executed with the feet held tightly together and the knees bent 2. a jump over an obstacle executed by a person
19.2万 The Runaway Bunny by:鹅妈妈英语启蒙 5.1万 《Pat the Bunny》 by:辣妈婴幼儿英语启蒙 1501 J妈亲录《The Runaway Bunny》 by:Julykids育儿经 2293 Knuffle Bunny by:Matchbox火柴盒子 934 Dumb Bunny by:Matchbox火柴盒子 428 Bop, Bop at the Bunny Hop by:Matchbox火柴盒子 1766 海尼曼G1-Bunn...
Childrens Classics - The Bunny Hop 专辑: Childrens Classic Party Songs 歌手:Childrens Classics You put your right hand in You put your right hand out You put your right hand in And you shake it all about You do the Hokey Pokey And you turn yourself around That's what it's ...