当您遇到“invalidbucketname: the specified bucket is not valid”的错误消息时,这通常意味着您指定的S3存储桶(bucket)名称不符合Amazon Web Services (AWS)的要求,或者存在其他问题导致无法识别该存储桶。以下是根据您提供的提示,分点解答这个问题的建议: 确认错误消息的具体含义: 这个错误表明您尝试访问或操作的...
InvalidParameter.BucketNameInvalid The bucket name \”%s\” is invalid. A bucket name must: 1) be comprised of lower-case characters, numbers, underscore(_) or dash(-); 2) start with lower case or numbers; 3) be between 3-255 characters long.指定的bucket名称不符合OSS Bucket规格诊断 ...
com.aliyun.oss.OSSException: The specified bucket is not valid. [ErrorCode]: InvalidBucketName [RequestId]: 57906B4DD0EBAB0FF553D661 [HostId]: you-bucket.you-bucketoss-cn-hangzhou-internal.aliyuncs.com 问题原因:destDomian配置错误。
阿里云存储配置时弹出报错:“InvalidBucketName: The specified bucket is not valid.”,你好 我想咨询下,阿里云存储配置时弹出报错:“InvalidBucketName: The specified bucket is not valid. RequestId: 60CC13FF5C00...
I expected an error on the creation of the bucket. I realized what happened when I tried to manually create the bucket: the AWS console told me the name was invalid. Apparently gordon silently ignored the error on creation and failed only on the first access to the bucket.Author...
Hi! I copied ~/go/src/github.com/apex/up-examples/oss/static-photos and adjusted up.json, but when I try deploy, it says invalid bucket name. I'm unsure how this bucket name (or am I blind?!) is derived in order to fix the issue. ~/tmp/v...
This API is used to query the status of a specified pod.For details, see Calling APIs.GET /api/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/pods/{name}/statusStatus code: 200NoneStatus code
{ "buckets" : [ { "bucket_name" : "xxxx", "bucket_location" : "xxxx", "create_time" : 1667379757698, "is_deleted" : false } ], "total" : 1 } Status code: 400 Invalid request { "error_code" : "dsc.40000011", "error_msg" : "Invalid parameter" } SDK Sample Code The SDK ...