The Bucket List: Directed by Rob Reiner. With Jack Nicholson, Morgan Freeman, Sean Hayes, Beverly Todd. Two terminally ill men escape from a cancer ward and head off on a road trip with a wish list of to-dos before they die.
The Bucket List (2007) Verda Bridges Chandra Colors (1988) Destiny Brownridge Maya The Bucket List (2007) Brian Copeland Lee Venom: Let There Be Carnage (2021) Ian Anthony Dale Instructor The Walking Dead (2010) Jennifer Defrancisco Emily (as Jennifer DeFrancisco) Crackpot (200...
因为有个俚语是kick the bucket,意为:死了、见上帝,所以bucket就和死有关了,list意为清单,bucket list就被赋予了“遗愿”的含义了。the bucket list:是美国俚语,就是遗书的意思。kick the bucket 就是死亡的意思。the bucket list是在人在死亡前为某个人列一张清单,顾名思义,就是遗书的意...
临终的救赎——遗愿清单 《The Bucket List》主演:爱德华·科尔 Edward Cole (杰克·尼科尔森Jack Nicholson饰)卡特·钱伯斯 Carter Chambers (摩根·弗里曼Morgan Freeman饰)以主角的死亡——而且是2个主角的相继死亡为结尾的电影,本该是一部悲剧,但《遗愿清单》却以同样的方式,取得了相反的效果,让观众感受的是一种...
网络释义 1. 遗愿清单 《遗愿清单》(The Bucket List)是由导演罗伯·雷恩拍摄的并于2007年上映的美国电影。电影讲述两个患了末期癌症的病人如 …|基于2139个网页 2. 玩转身前事 玩转身前事(The bucket list)很久以前,卡特卓柏斯在大学一年级时的哲学系教授,叫他的学生们写出一张「身前事清单...
Then, Randy and Sophie looked into each other’s eyes and spoke words full of reverence and meaning to each other. Randy, who had been quiet up to this point, as if he didn’t want to miss anything, spoke first, then Sophie softly delivered her message. ...
// fill SortedList Serialize(sl, fs2); fs2.Close(); ••• // deserialize a Hashtable FileStream fs3 = new FileStream("ht.xml", FileMode.Open); Hashtable hash = Deserialize(fs3); ••• Since the WebMethod framework also uses the XmlSerializer plumbing, it's now possible ...
Bucket is an app that allows you to track, organize, and share your bucket list with friends. The best checklist you could ever wish for! Here's how it works: •…
The bucket list 这是一部很久以前就想看的电影,由于拖延症一直没有看。剧情真的很简单,像一个人缓缓的自述,可以说甚至没有任何出人意料的地方。两个身患绝症的老头儿,一个是结了四次婚但是孤身一人脾气暴躁的亿万富翁,一个是家庭温馨但是与理想失之交臂的修理工。他们机缘巧合住进同一间病房,从彼此间的嫌弃...