Brothers Edward and Alphonse Elric embark on a quest to find the Philosopher's Stone in order to restore their bodies after an alchemical experiment gone wrong. With the stone's power, the brothers delve into a world of alchemy, military secrets, and dangerous enemies, while trying to uncover...
When demons slaughter Tanjiro Kamado's family and leave his sister Nezuko a demon herself, Tanjiro sets out on a quest to become a demon slayer and find a way to turn Nezuko human again. He joins the Demon Slayer Corps under the tutelage of the experienced swordsman Sakonji Urokodaki, fac...
With the help of animation studio Uftotable’s masterful work, Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba stormed onto the anime scene in eye-popping fashion. The young and kindhearted Tanjiro worked hard to support his family until all but his sister were brutally killed by demons. Feeling determined to...
Gyutaro and Daki (Ume) Shabana, brother and sister who grew up in the lowest class of the red light district (which is the setting for the Entertainment District Arc). They are polar opposites of Tanjiro and Nezuko Kamado: The Kamado siblings walked in the light, while the Shabana siblings...
, so special is how studio Ufotable brings to life its colorful cast of characters and jaw-dropping fights. Young Tanjiro takes up the role his late father left behind in helping provide for his family until tragedy strikes when a demon murders his entire family except for his little sister...
While the "Pokémon" series' trademark elements of catching, befriending, and training powerful elemental creatures are still a prime focus of the new show, this fresh iteration is changing up the status quo that fans are used to far more than many may have expected. In-depth details are sti...
Set in Japan during the Taisho period (early 1900s), Demon Slayer tells the story of Tanjiro, a young man set on revenge against a demon who massacred his family and left his younger sister Nezuko a demon herself. Against all odds, Tanjiro begins training as a “demon slayer” with Nezuk...
he's a young adult with a child of his own, father to the equally badass Gohan. Together, they must fight to stop an alien race to which they unknowingly belong. When a Saiyan named Raditz shows up on Earth, he drops a huge truth bomb on Goku — they are brothers by blood,...
The story takes place in Japan’sTaishō Period, whereTanjiroloses his family to a demon attack. But things get more dark when his sister, the only survivor of the attack, is transformed into a demon. To change his sister’s fate and turn her back into a human, Tanjiro sets out on a...
Following the murder of his family and the change of his sister into a demon, “Demon Slayer” chronicles Tanjiro’s journey as a demon slayer. This dark fantasy anime is characterized by intense combat, emotional depth, and a desire for retribution. It spins a compelling tale of perseverance...