The Elder Scrolls at that time still felt loose and breezy, a place free of the ossified lore (ugh) that's built up over subsequent years, and Morrowind was so much more interesting for it: Yeah, the Dark Brotherhood is cool, but have you ever tried the Morag Tong? 56. Tom Clancy'...
Developer Creating KOTH Viaduct·Illustrative Rendering in Team Fortress 2 Brotherhood of Arms Ammo Loading·Combo·Medium Infantry·Tank·Voice Communication Valve Wiki Network Combine OverWiki Left 4 Dead Wiki Portal Wiki
图2吐槽TF2(99版)迟迟不出——05年他们在等待《Brotherhood of Arms》(99版TF2)出来,十九年以后我们在期望TF2(2007)得到重视、变的更好(甚至数3),属实是“此时此刻,恰如彼时彼刻”。然而情况却也没法比,图2这一章发布的第三年,TF2终于来了。虽然已是天壤之别,但是总算玩上了。但是现在三年时间能否等来(...
Death Arms Luin Stormlight the Traitor Kaiju-Jaeger Hybird Eberwolf Darius Deamonne Aiden (Backrooms) Hadhod Rhaegar Targaryen (back from dead) Wilhuff Tarkin Reia (Ride of the Valkyrie) Skuld Jester (Clone Trooper) Gus (Star Wars) Chopper (Clone Trooper) Punch (Clone Trooper) Sketch (Clone...
The Elder Scrolls at that time still felt loose and breezy, a place free of the ossified lore (ugh) that's built up over subsequent years, and Morrowind was so much more interesting for it: Yeah, the Dark Brotherhood is cool, but have you ever tried the Morag Tong? 56. Tom Clancy'...
In a blog post[2]telling about upcoming events in the game, the TF2 team confirmedMeet the Pyrowould be released sometime in 2012, and also released a shot of the video. In an interview on's "Bonus Round" during March 2012,Erik Wolpawannounced that Valve had recently fin...
The first motion occurs at 0:18. Prior to that was a static shot of the inside of the refrigerator, which cut to and then back from to the film's title card. At 0:48, it says that the dairy section restores +20 "heatlh", which is spelled incorrectly. ...
Inside, the BLU team is putting the final touches on their train. Soldier and BLU Engineer go over the plans: the train is to leave the base, pick up speed, and then destroy the RED base at the end of the line. Meanwhile the BLU Heavy and Pyro are decorating twoConex cargo containers...