The Prom is a 2020 American comedy musical film directed by Ryan Murphy, based on the 2018 Broadway musical. When a girl (Jo Ellen Pellman) is banned from attending high school prom with her girlfriend, she is joined by a group of self-obsessed theater stars (Meryl Streep, James...
Grab your game board—$5 for a single, $10 for a page of four or $20 for three sheets of four boards for the best chances to win big—and play for amazing prizes like tickets for two to the Broadway Comedy Club, merchandise from Absolut Vodka and Andrew Christian, and a VIP Pieces...
Is This Broadway Season Actually Great? Dead Outlaw rounds out the biggest slate of actually original musicals in years. island time Yesterday at 2:34 p.m. A Brief History of the Survivor Heist Vote After Operation Italy, the strategy has officially reached god-tier status. buffering ...
A group of gay New Yorkers -- including Buzz Hauser (Jason Alexander), an HIV-positive Broadway musical enthusiast; John Jeckyll (John Glover), a dry-witted British composer; and Gregory Mitchell (Stephen Bogardus), a prominent Broadway choreographer -- spend summer weekends together at a lakesi...
Russian Broadway Shut Down (2014) Joshua Cruz Wedding Chorus The Big Gay Musical (2009) Van Hughes Wedding Chorus Sex and the City (2008) Jay Armstrong Johnson Wedding Chorus Quantico (2015) Robert Lenzi Wedding Chorus The Happening (I) (2008) Michael Mahany Wedding Chorus Wiene...
Russian Broadway Shut Down (2014) Joshua Cruz Wedding Chorus The Big Gay Musical (2009) Van Hughes Wedding Chorus Sex and the City (2008) Jay Armstrong Johnson Wedding Chorus Quantico (2015) Robert Lenzi Wedding Chorus The Happening (I) (2008) Michael Mahany Wedding Chorus Wiene...
Synopsis: It's lust at first sight when Gabriel (Christian Campbell), a songwriter with Broadway ambitions, runs into Mark (John Paul Pitoc),... [More] Starring: Christian Campbell, J.P. Pitoc, Tori Spelling, Steve Hayes Directed By: Jim Fall Mighty Aphrodite (1995) 78% #165 Crit...
The Boston Charles Playhouse, a prestigious venue that has long been associated with the performing arts, is undergoing an exciting transformation into a vibrant comedy club spearheaded by producers Norm Laviolette and John Tobin in collaboration with Broadway In Boston. Established in 1839, the Cha…...
Broadway Comedy Club is located in Times Square , we feature top comics as seen on MTV , Comedy Central Tonight Show and Letterman. We have featured Letterman, Comedy Central , Tonight Show and Just For Laughs auditions. Top Comics that have appeared here in the past include D...
44. Broadway Danny Rose (1984) Film Comedy ‘If you take my advice I think you’ll become one of the great balloon-folding acts of all time!’ Director: Woody Allen Cast: Woody Allen, Mia Farrow, Nick Apollo Forte Woody comes to both bury and praise his hero Danny Rose in this lyric...