期刊名称:《british journal of surgery》 | 1975年第4期 2.Congenital dislocation of the head of the radius 机译:Congenital dislocation of the head of the radius 作者:James R. A. White 期刊名称:《british journal of surgery》 | 1943年第120期 3.Acute necrotizing colitis and obstruction 机...
What's New from the British Journal of Surgery various delivery devices. The physics and biology of laser tissue interaction depends upon the output wavelength and energy and upon the light absorption properties of the target tissues. Specific applications of laser technology in surg... JR Farndon...
The American Journal of Surgery Volume 161, Issue 2, February 1991, Page A19The British Journal of Surgery Author links open overlay panelShow more Add to Mendeley Share Cite https://doi.org/10.1016/0002-9610(91)91167-HGet rights and contentAccess through your organization Check access to the...
近年来,在胃肠外科的顶级期刊Diseases of the colon and rectum、Annals of surgical oncology、British journal of surgery、BMC Cancer等发表论文,总影响因子50余分。相关专业学术活动任职包括:2018年入选美国外科学院Fellow(FACS);美国结直肠外科学会(ASCRS)会员,美国临床肿瘤学会(ASCO)会员,美国临床机器人外科协会(CRS...
目前与中国合作共出版6种期刊: Family Medicine and Community Health、Stroke and Vascular Neurology、World Journal of Pediatric Surgery、General Psychiatry、Gynecology and Obstetrics Clinical Medicine、eGastroenterology。 eGastroenterology《 胃肠病学 》是BM...
SURGEON-JOURNAL OF THE ROYAL COLLEGES OF SURGEONS OF EDINBURGH AND IRELAND于2003年创刊,主编是David G Healy。其h-index为41,与其他著名期刊如British Journal of Surgery(h-index186)等相比,影响力低。在外科领域中,JIF排名为80/212,百分位62.5%。从影响力和排名看,投稿难度中等。
British Journal of Surgery, Volume 59, Issue 7, July 1972, Pages 508–512, https://doi.org/10.1002/bjs.1800590704 Published: 01 July 1972 Cite Permissions Icon Permissions Share Icon Share Abstract Twenty-seven patients with obstructive jaundice due to unresected cancer of the pancreas have ...
Read the latest articles of The Journal of Hand Surgery: British & European Volume at ScienceDirect.com, Elsevier’s leading platform of peer-reviewed scholarly literature
Effect of prucalopride to improve time to gut function recovery following elective colorectal surgery: randomized clinical trial. January 15, 2022 [MEDLINE Abstract] Adrenal incidentalomas. January 15, 2022 [MEDLINE Abstract] Risks for donors associated with living kidney donation: meta-analysis. ...
The British Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery (BJOMS) publishes many types of papers including original articles, review articles, and short communications. Many of the latter are isolated case reports of rare or interesting diseases or of difficult or unexpected complications. While case repo...