The British Heart Foundation education pathwayCynthia Curtis discusses the launch of a framework for heart nurses and other health professionals whose professional development is funded by the foundationCynthia CurtisJournal of Wound Care
Although the link between high fat diets and high blood pressure is well known, there has been (3)___ research into the connection between a woman's diet and her child's risk of hypertension (高血压). The study, which is (4)___ by the British Heart Foundation, is led by Dr Graham...
Home > List of Issues > Table Of Contents > The British Heart Foundation Browse journal View all volumes and issues Current issue Latest articles Most read articles Most cited articles Subscribe Journal of the Institute of Health Education Volume 1, Issue 4, 1963 Translator disclaimer...
Victoria Taylor,an expert with the British Heart Foundation,said:"These researchers only looked at men aged over 45,so we would need to see further research to prove that breakfast has the same effect on the heart health of other groups of people.What we do know is that a healthy breakfast...
The British Heart Foundation found that despite being banned from schools and children’s TV, crisps and chocolate are on sale where children exercise. And children’s meals on offer at the 35 venues spot-checked were mostly chips, chicken nuggets(鸡肉块), sausages and burgers. ...
North Kingdom近期又出佳作与大家分享——由英国伦敦知名广告代理商Glue Isobar委托North Kingdom为英国公益组织British Heart Foundation主办的一个慈善公益活动制作互动宣传网站。 网站以互动体验的形式,向用户讲述了关于斑马鱼超能力的故事。可爱的斑马鱼生来就拥有肌体自我恢复和再生的超能力,一旦身体或器官遭受到任何伤害...
Working on the principle that “The health of soil, plant, animal and man is one and indivisible”, we understand the importance of a healthy soil as the foundation of a healthy, sustainable farm system and as such work to support farmers’ understanding of soil health through practical assess...
Since the advent of critical care in the twentieth century, the core elements that are the foundation for critical care systems, namely to care for critically ill and injured patients and to save lives, have e... Authors: Annette M. Esper, Yaseen M. Arabi, Maurizio Cecconi, Bin Du, Eva...
, which designed new messages and campaigns to raise population awareness about the benefit of an adequate fibre intake. Most of these messages, such as the messages from the NHS, the British Heart Foundation or the British Nutrition Foundation, put emphasis on swapping refined grains to whole ...
This study was developed and initially funded under the auspices of the Centre for Diet and Activity Research (CEDAR), a UKCRC Public Health Research Centre of Excellence. Funding from the British Heart Foundation, Economic and Social Research Council, Medical Research Council, National Institute for...