During the mid-19th century, the British government consolidated the existing colonies by bringing them under the direct control of the government. By the end of the 19th century, the British Empire included about a quarter of the global population and a quarter of the world’s landmass. Before...
2.A nation or state governed by the people; a republic. 3.Commonwealth a.Used to refer to some US states, namely, Kentucky, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, and Virginia. b.Used to refer to a self-governing, autonomous political unit voluntarily associated with the United States, namely, Puerto ...
4. Capital City: Washington, District of Columbia (The District of Columbia was named after Christopher Columbus and the city Washington was named after George Washington. The city is governed directly by the Federal government. 哥伦比亚特区以克里斯托弗.哥伦布命名,华盛顿以华盛顿命名。这个城市是由联邦...
It served as a springboard (跳板) for the British colonists to expand their colonies and sphere of influence in Asia. In East Asia, the British government waged the Opium War (鸦片战争) against China and forced the Qing government to sign the Treaty of Nanking in 1842, whereby Hong Kong ...
For example, Robert Gordon and Duncan Campbell each had Scottish names, yet both were long-term residents of England and the money they received in compensation for enslaved Jamaicans freed by the British government flowed to them and their and their descendants in England rather than Scotland.[...
The American Revolution -- the taking up of arms to abolish the British government over the colonies -- is based on these ideas in the Declaration of Independence: We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain...
She wants a husband whom she can respect, but she doesn't want to be dominated by him. She wants a democratic household in which she has a voice in making decisions. When a husband and wife are able to share decision-making, their marriage is probably closer, stronger, and more ...
The British Conquest of Quebec in 1760 was a key moment in Canadian history as it marked the beginning of a tense coexistence between French and English Canadians. Many argue that the Conquest had strong economic consequences in the form of the relative poverty of the French settlers. All the...
The rise of a young republic composed of thirteen states, each governed by officials popularly elected under constitutions drafted by"the plain people,"was the most significant feature of the eighteenth century. The majority of the patriots whose labors and sacrifices had made this possible naturally...
6. America had a war with England to fight for their independence. 7. Soldiers fought many battles. 8. George Washington was a famous leader who helped America in the war. 9. In the end, the American colonies won the war and became the United States. ...