该片讲述的是1960年代发生在Iowa州Madison小镇的一件风流韵事。故事围绕着女主人公Francesca Johnson进行展开,Francesca来自意大利的一个默默无闻的小村庄,嫁到了Iowa,为其丈夫育有一儿一女,电影情节以Francesca的死亡为开端进行展开。 Francesca死后留下一封遗书,嘱咐自己的孩子将其遗体火化并洒在附近的一个廊桥下,孩子...
The Bridges of Madison County 2005年夏,我刚下飞机的第二天,就租了一辆车从芝加哥向西,穿过伊利诺依的平原,进入Iowa。我把此生在美国的第一次长途旅行,奉献给了Madison的廊桥。那时候,我正遇见我一生中最痛的爱,那个温婉美丽的女子。Robert和Francisca的故事和我们的故事从一开始就在纠缠交织。从Des Moines转下I...
When Robert Kincaid drives through the heat and dust of an Iowa summer and turns into Francesca Johnson's farm lane looking for directions, the world-class photographer and the Iowa farm wife are joined in an experience of uncommon truth and stunning beauty that will haunt them forever. The ...
Wright narrated his experiences from 1988 when he received a grant to count Iowa's homeless. Lowa Department of Education personnel who administered the funds were interested in getting some handle on the population of homeless children in rural Lowa.Wright...
The Bridges of Madison County 廊桥遗梦【剧情导读】 人到中年的摄影师罗伯特和农庄妇女弗朗西斯卡一起度过了浪漫而激情的四天,虽然这段不了的情缘因世事的羁绊而分离,但一颗孤寂的灵魂却找到了永恒的归宿。 【获奖奖项】 一项奥斯卡奖提名(女主角);两项金球奖提名(电影;女主角) 廊桥遗梦 The Bridges of Madiso...
Define bridgework. bridgework synonyms, bridgework pronunciation, bridgework translation, English dictionary definition of bridgework. n. 1. A dental bridge. 2. Dental prosthetics involving a bridge or bridges. American Heritage® Dictionary of the Eng
The Bridges of Madison County tells the story of photographer Robert Kincaid and his life-changing, four-day love affair with Iowa farm wife Francesca Johnson. Cast Kelli O'Hara Francesca Johnson Hunter Foster Bud Johnson Cass Morgan Marge ...
Robert James Waller was born in 1939 in Rockford, Iowa. As well as an internationally bestselling author, he is known for his work as a photographer and musician. Until 1989 Waller was Dean of the School of Business at the University of Northern Iowa. The Bridges of Madison County ahs bee...
They discover their mother, an Italian war bride, had a four-day affair with Robert Kincaid, a photographer who had come to Madison County, Iowa to shoot a photographic essay for National Geographicon the covered bridges in the area.[4] The affair took place while her husband ...