The Bridge at Stamford Bridge today There has been a river crossing here since Roman times. In the Medieval period a new bridge of timber with three stone piers was built and in the 18th century the weirs and the bypass canal and lock were built and the former structure replaced by the c...
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rehearsals…let's say open in three weeks. That's--what--five hundred groundlings at tuppence each, in addition four hundred groundlings tuppence each, in addition four hundred backsides at three pence--a penny extra for a cushion, call it two hundred cushions, say two performance for safety...
"The hardest songs to write are small, neat ones – maybe because every single word counts even more than usual. Clive and I always liked the different ways the middle bits in songs could work (the middle eight, the bridge, the release, the second theme)." ...
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爱德华·托马斯(Philip Edward Thomas,1878-1917),英国诗人、散文家、小说家。1878年3月3日生于伦敦南部的兰贝斯(Lambeth)。1905年,与妻子海伦住在肯特郡的埃尔瑟农场(Elses Farm),将其中一间屋子租给好友、威尔士诗人W.H.戴维斯(W.H.Davies,1871-1940)。1913年6月搬到汉普郡小村斯蒂普(Steep)居住,10月美国诗人...
Bridge, J. S., Jalfin, G. A., & Georgieff, S. M. (2000). Geometry, lithofacies, and spatial distribution of Cretaceous fluvial sandstone bodies, San Jorge Basin, Argentina: outcrop analog for the hydrocarbon-bearing Chubut Group. Journal of Sedimentary Research, 70, 341–359. https://...
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