克莱因吧笔触深入到 底层民众 自然主义:认为环境的力量(自然环境及社会环境)压倒个人的力量,个人对具有决定性的 事情几乎无能为力,无法掌控自己的命运。强调录像似的描写 赏析:威尔森这一人物命运相当于工业转型过程中西部人们的缩影,暗示东方工业文明的进 程的不可阻挡 黄色在英文中有“萧条,危险,忧伤,死亡”的含义...
Having just gotten married in San Antonio,Jack Potter,town marshal of Yellow Sky,and the bride are aboard a train headed back to Yellow Sky,Jack's home town.Despite their elegant surroundings,both bride and groom are nervous about returning to Yellow Sky.While the bride is not used to such...
美式的选材,冗长的描述,人与自然伦理的主题,滥情,无味。2 有用 maverick 2018-07-04 10:51:10 Sympathy in an uncaring world. The Open Boat. The Bride Comes to Yellow Sky. The Blue Hotel.1 有用 容与 2013-09-22 21:12:15 伟大的作品,里面表达了很多作者的世界观以及对生命和阶级的看法。日...
The Bride(新娘)Comes To Yellow SkyBut as the distance from Yellow Sky grew shorter, the husband grew more restless. As a matter of fact, Jack Potter was beginning to get very nervous. He, the sheriff(警察)of Yellow Sky, a man known, liked, and feared, a well-respected person, had ...
The Bride Comes to Yellow Sky 新娘来到黄天镇(原文及译文).pdf,THE BRIDE COMES TO YELLOW SKY 新娘来到黄天镇 (斯蒂芬·克莱恩著) I 1.The great pullman was whirling onward with such dignity of motion that a glance from the window seemed simply to prove that t
TheBrideComestoYellowSky 新娘来到黄天镇(原文及译文) barkeeper. "He shot Wilson up once —- in the leg —— and he would sail in and pull out the kinks in this thing." 接着是一阵寂静。“我希望杰克波特从圣安东回来,"酒吧的老板说。“他枪击过威尔逊一次—-打在威尔逊 的腿上——他一定会...
Our story is called "The Bride Comesto Yellow Sky." It was written by Stephen Crane. We will listen to thestory in two parts. Today we will hear the first part of the story. "TheBride Comes to Yellow Sky". The great train was rushing forward suchsteady dignity of motion that a glan...
TheOpenBoat,(1897)TheBrideComestoYellowSky,(1898)TheMonster,(1899)TheBlueHotel,(1899)Writingstyle:•Naturalism,•Realism,•Impressionism,•theuseofcolorandchiaroscuro,•Sentimentality.influence AsarepresentativeofAmericanNaturalismandImpressionism,StephenCraneisrecognizedbymoderncriticsasoneofthemost...
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