The UK Bribery Act – The Risks for Asian CorporationsJames KitchingAsian-Mena Counsel
Companies who put in place ‘Adequate Procedures’ to prevent bribery will have an absolute defence to liability under the new law. Similarly, broadly speaking, because of the way the statute works senior officers of organisations that have put in place ‘Adequate Procedures’ to prevent bribery w...
Throughout the last few months of 2021, we distributed alerts tackling key anti-corruption compliance issues and questions that concern our clients across all industries. Our six part series, From the FCPA to the UK Bribery Act – Your key questions about global anticorruption laws answered, cove...
Bribery Act & Proceeds of Crime From the horses mouth: Specialist Adviser to the recent Bribery Act Committee, Anne-Marie Ottaway writes… I recently had the honour to be Specialist Advisor to the House of Lords Select Committee, which published the report of its findings following its post ...
The analysis of the UK Bribery Act should not focus on how it is different or more strict than the FCPA. Instead, I would urge everyone to focus on a few key issues – — How will the SFO exercise its prosecutorial discretion?
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In the United Kingdom, the Bribery Act 2010 came into existence in April 2010 and has been in effective as of on July 1st 2011. The Bribery Act 2010 includes not only companies established in the UK but also foreign companies that conduct the business there and so it will be applied to...
The publication of the guidance: Bribery Act will be law from July 1 Richard Alderman spoke to us about his reaction to the publication of the guidance. He told us: “I welcome the Government’s published guidance on the Bribery Act. The Act is important for...
Kenya: The legend and legacy of Daniel Arap MoiBy Morris Kiruga"There is great rivalry among the Moi clan, not least due to the unflattering remarks made by Gideon Moi (his father's favourite) about some of his brothers and sisters," Africa Confidential wrote in 1998.The publication also ...
Violators of the act can face substantialsanctionsand penalties, and both criminal and civil actions may be charged. Punishments include fines as much as twice the amount of the benefit expected to be received from the bribery. Corporate entities found guilty of breaching the act may be forced ...