[Greekprōtagōnistēs:prōto-,proto-+agōnistēs,actor, combatant(fromagōnizesthai,to contend, fromagōn,contest, fromagein,to drive, lead; seeag-inIndo-European roots).] Usage Note:Theprotagonistof a Greek drama was its leading actor; therefore, there could be only one in a play. Ancient ...
[Middle English, from Old French, from Latinsubiectus, from past participle ofsūbicere,to subject:sub-,sub-+iacere,to throw; seeyē-in the Appendix of Indo-European roots.] sub·jec′tion(səb-jĕk′shən)n. Synonyms:subject,matter,topic,theme ...
primary bow primary breaker primary cell power su primary central marke primary cerebral vesi primary cleaner taili primary coil primary colour primary composite end primary copy locking primary credit primary debt primary discount rate primary dispute resol primary domain contro primary drives primary duty...
as her music as his only subordina as his reputation gro as hq as i draw near the li as i published less as i searched as i spread my lovin as i thought back as i ve mentioned as i went out one mor as if between worlds as if by magic as if i would need an as if nervous ...
Sub Terrania Sunset Riders (Arcade) Super Fantasy Zone (E) Super Hydlide Super Off Road (Master System) (Super NES) - also known as Ivan Ironman Stewart's Super Off Road (NES) Super Smash T.V. (Super NES) Super Street Fighter II: The New Challengers (Super NES) Sword Of Vermilion Sy...
The sole member of its order of birds, the ostrich (Struthio camelus) is a true record-breaker. Not only is it the tallest and heaviest living bird, it can sprint at speeds of up to 45 miles per hour and jog for extended distances at a sustained pace of 30 mph. Ostriches have the ...
myrrh and sandalwood. Coconut can be a deal-breaker for me, but here, I havenocomplaints – everything works in perfect harmony, and everything spells precisely what it says on the bottle – which is…joy. It is virtually impossible to be blue when wearing this, and ifthat’snot an acc...
This includes the Cloud Breaker which is a popular place for surfing and snorkelling. There are many beautiful lines of live corals in this region. Sometimes the waves here reach a height of 6 metres and this serves for perfect sailing conditions....
It didn’t go well – enraged by the very idea of treachery, Ferrus attacked Fulgrim, broke the sword Fireblade, and almost killed him – but stopped short, merely taking back Forgebreaker. Later, Ferrus Manus led his legion to crush Horus’ rebellion at Isstvan V, knowing he would ...
[Probably French sourdre, sourge- (from Old French) and French surgir, to rise (from Old French, to cast anchor, from Old Catalan), both from Latin surgere, to rise : sub-, from below; see sub- + regere, to lead straight; see reg- in Indo-European roots.] American Heritage® ...