Brand New Testamentdoes something similar by considering, albeit through the guise of a comic conceit, the factors that shape our behavior: our fear of holy retribution; our love of (a cruel) God; and our blind faith that, if there’s a grand design, there’s a worthy reason for it. ...
Dec 10, 2015 While the ultra-clever first act stockpiles sufficient admiration from audiences to sustain the film, the bulk of The Brand New Testament concerns itself with Van Dormael’s most persistent preoccupation: the tug-of-war between fate and free will. ...
The Brand New Testament电影 / 2015 / 其它地区 / 普通话喜剧 / 奇幻 / 魔幻导演:雅克·范·多梅尔 主演:贝诺特·波尔沃尔德 凯瑟琳·德纳芙 弗朗索瓦·达密安 友兰达·梦露 简介:全能的神确实存在,并且居于布鲁塞尔寻常住宅?还用电脑掌管一切生命?《小英雄杜杜》鬼才导演继《小国民尼谟》后又一奇幻狂放之作,这次...
In the 'Brand New Testament', however, the Trinity is portrayed radically differently than in the Christian tradition. The personae of father, son and spirit are deconstructed in the film, in that a daughter and a mother also form part of the godhead. This deconstruction of ...
The Brand New Testament begins with one simple conceit: God exists, and He’s a jerk. He lives in a high-rise apartment in Brussels and never gets out of His pajamas. He takes sadistic delight in dreaming up new “laws” to torment humanity, and He’s a petty tyrant to his wife and...
The Brand New Testament 이웃집에 신이 산다 喜剧 上映/ 114分钟 看过 简介 暂无剧情简介
Comparisons to Jeunet are understandable but the work of van Dormael is distinctive enough and it's not like there are that many other films alike. The Brand New Testament is another sublime entry in his oeuvre, one that makes we want to check and re-evaluate his older work. ...
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“This year’s nominees are a testament to the strength, vitality and diversity of independent, artist-driven filmmaking,” said Film Independent President Josh Welsh.“It’s an astonishingly strong group of films and performances this year and we look forward to celebrating them all at the ...