The smallest part of the brain stem consists mainly of motor and sensory nerve fibers connecting the cerebral hemispheres to the pons and cerebellum. It receives information from the ears and eyes, and it is, therefore, involved in reflexes related to these organs. The pons lies between the ...
The exterior of the brain stem consists of white matter that conducts nerve signals within the brain stem and to the spinal cord and other regions of the brain. Masses of gray matter, known as nuclei, perform the processing role of the brain stem. The reticular formation, a network of mixe...
[详细解答] 第二段中指出“...the brain stem,which joins the brain to the top of the spinal cord...”即脑干连接brain 与 spinal cord,所以B项正确。结果一 题目 The brain stem is located (Paragraph 2) ___. the hypothalamusB.between the brain and the spinal the transmi...
Which of the following brain structures consists of the medulla oblongata, pons, and midbrain? a. Diencephalon b. Cerebellum c. Brain stem d. Dura mater e. Cerebrum What are the three protective coverings (meninges) around the brain? What are their functions and list...
ConsistsofMidbrain中脑Pons脑桥Medullaoblongata延髓 Medullaoblongata延髓 VentralsurfacePyramid锥体:containpyramidaltract (corticospinaltract)Decussationofpyramid锥体交叉:formed bycrossingfibersofcorticospinaltractOlive橄榄:producedbyunderlyinginferior olivarynucleusAnterolateralsulcus前外侧沟:rootletsof hypoglossalnerveemerge...
brainstem,brain-stem neural structure- a structure that is part of the nervous system brain,encephalon- that part of the central nervous system that includes all the higher nervous centers; enclosed within the skull; continuous with the spinal cord ...
Brain stemis the most primitive part of the brain that is essential to life. Cerebellumis basically involved in motor coordination, although studies also implicated its role in cognition. Limbic system most of the incoming sensory information (except for olfactory) goes by way of thethalamusen rou...
The brain stem connects the spinal cord to the higher-thinking centers of the brain. It consists of three structures: themedulla oblongata, thepons, and themidbrain. The medulla oblongata is continuous with the spinal cord and connects to the pons above. Both the medulla and the pons are co...
The brain stem (truncus cerebri) comprises the rhombencephalon and the mesencephalon; caudally it grades into the spinal cord while rostrally it borders the diencephalon. In all vertebrates the brain stem harbours the centres of origin and termination of
The peripheral nervous system(PNS) consists of . () 翻译:A. brain ,brain stem B. brain, cranial nerves C. spinal cord, brain stem D. spinal cord , spinal nerves E. spinal nerves ,cranial nervesA.脑,脑干B.脑,脑神经C.脊髓,脑干D.脊髓,脊神经E.脊神经,脑