Boys Gijs Blom, Ko Zandvliet, Jonas Smulders 831 votes This tender Dutch coming-of-age story follows the blossoming relationship between two teenage boys from different backgrounds on their high school track team. As the characters navigate adolescence, friendship, and hidden desires, the film provi...
forms of entertainment in New York, even claiming she's in love with the unpredictable city. After three weeks of calls from Richard, Samantha is out for revenge, and in public. Fortunately it's fleet week, when the city swarms with USNavy boys, who invite the non-moms to a hot party...
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If you're a bisexual man or someone who is HIV positive and you're tired of tip-toeing around to avoid potential hate and discrimination, Archer is your best option. (For real, even Brooklyn's oh-so-gorgeous resident bi-man and author ofBoyslut: A Memoir and Manifesto,Zachary Zane, sw...
Benjamin, better known as Soldier Boy, is one of the two overarching antagonists (alongside Stan Edgar) of the Amazon series The Boys, where he served as one of two main antagonists (alongside Homelander) of Season Three and the overarching antagonist of
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long-running Sandman comic series way back in 1991, and over the years they've appeared in various Vertigo comics, including their own stand-alone series. While we wait for the second season of Netflix's The Sandman, we'll have to make due with these Dead Boys. It's not a bad trade...
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decade’s best, programs. One is the casting of five relatively unknown actors to play the boys. The “Central Park Five” were 14-16 years old in 1989 and Rodriguez, Herisse, Jerome, Blackk and Harris not only look young but portray the absolute vulnerability and fear that their real-...
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